Incomplete Data: A panfandom, multi-world RP.

Incomplete Data

October 2018



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December 28th, 2017



So I'm assuming your party isn't really meant for like, munchkins, right?



What does everyone do for the New Year on their planets?

I remember New Year Fete Week on Coruscant. We didn't really get to do much celebrating in the First Order, but I heard stories about the festivals and the light shows.



I was in a cage.



[Jean Grey]
Hey so are you going to that New Year's Eve party thing?



Normally with New Year's Eve coming up, this would be a time for reflecting on the past year and celebrating the possibilities of the upcoming one but it’s difficult to look back on this experience feeling that one’s gleaned any beneficial knowledge. It’s even more difficult to envision anything positive coming from 2018.

I still made a list of resolutions like I do every year, but it was a trial not to defeat myself in the process. How do you make resolutions in a prison there’s no promise of being released from? I have a total of two lines on my page. Did anyone else have better luck?



Natasha Romanoff has changed her plea to guilty on all accounts - Aiding and Abetting the Scientists, Harassment/Threats, and Blackmail/Treason.

As she's changed her plea, the Jury can now forgo a trial and commence with sentencing. Matt Murdock, Sam Wilson, Bruce Banner and Bucky Barnes have been recused from voting on her sentence.


Please Proceed Here

If there are any questions, I will address them to the best of my ability.



I think I figured out what it was Slick wanted me to remember. Still doesn't clear all this mess up. Clears up a few things, but not the entirety of it. It's also not helpful considering I can't do much about anything from here. Kind of pointless to bring back all these memories and not be able to do anything with them.

Ah well.



[Filtered to Tony Stark (MCU)]
You up to much before that New Year's party at the Met?



What the hell just happened?