Incomplete Data: A panfandom, multi-world RP.

Incomplete Data

October 2018



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December 26th, 2017



[Filtered to Sharon Carter (616)]
Requesting information regarding retraining syllabi and/or requirements.



So when does the boxing start? Or should I lead us off?



Who: Mon & Phasma
Where: Central Park, wondering around, ??
What: Christmas Date?
When: After the Star Wars Lunch
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

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Anyone think we should go making tentative NYE plans, or do you think we might be somewhere else by then?



[Sam Winchester]
I haven't seen any sign of him around. I'm sorry.



Would you like to take another walk today?



Didn't really expect this taste of home, if I'm being honest. Or for the scientists to be this, uh, nice to us? This personalized? Anyone else concerned?



I would like to thank my friends who have given me such kind and thoughtful gifts, though woefully limited our funds may be. The importance isn't how much money spent, but the thought that counts. Such as the simply delightful yet confusing bread gloves from my dearest Jianyu. I will cherish them forever. Our friendships have come so far, and look forward to the ones I continue to develop here each day.

And now, for the announcement you have all been eagerly awaiting:

[Mike Scientist]
We have important matters to discuss.



A new book, some new tea, and a ranged (if apparently mostly harmless) weapon? A rather productive Candlenights-esque holiday, if I may say so.

Though I have to confess, I do...not understand the outfit that I received. I believe that they are pajamas or lounging clothes, at the very least, but they have a face. I am not sure that they are to my style but they are cozy.



Clothes? Have more. Dress is pretty. [picture]



Yo. This kigurumi is dope. This book is okay, too. I guess. Does getting a tuxedo mean we have to dress up?



[Margaery Tyrell]
Would you come to this party with me?



[Melissa Gold]
Want to go blow some money at the spa?



A narwhal, huh? Insert joke about my horn here. At least it's cute.

Although I honestly can't remember the last time I wore a dress, so that's a thing.


You want to go with me to that New Years thing? I mean I can't drink, and I don't dance but..

Bruce Banner
Hi, you're Kobik's gaurdian right? Or one of them? I'm Kamala Khan, we haven't actually talked before. She was talking on my entry about what I celebrate and given we can't give to homeless shelters she suggested we make soup for the Grad students as they're often 'broke'.

Anyway, is that alright with you? I figured I should probably check before we start cooking.