Incomplete Data: A panfandom, multi-world RP.

Incomplete Data

October 2018



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November 30th, 2017



I miss my friends Back home there would have been a camp on the Long Island Sound. Which is about as close to New York as I've really been. Percy and Annabeth always said really nice things about New York, though.

If anyone knows a place that has shrimp gumbo around here, let me know. I don't expect it to be like home, but anything that reminds me of it might be nice.



Tahani Al-Jamil

I don't know if you remember me but I'm Phryne Fisher. We haven't had much of an opportunity to properly discuss things here but I feel like we would get on. What I am writing about though is to say I greatly enjoyed the party that you threw before the latest scenario. I was wondering if you would be interested in throwing another one and if so I would be happy to assist. I think something to distract people would be a good idea and a party is always fun.




Huh. This place is interesting. It kind of reminds me of Coruscant in how tall the buildings are but the park is kind of like Endor too?

Also, does anyone else here have a lightsaber? I have been trying to do drills by myself but I would not mind duelling someone else if someone ismwilling?



Tavern on the Green is shit, but all we have is Tavern on the Green. Fancy a turn through America's highest grossing former sheepfold?



Christmas Market Offer: Pets & Pokemon!



[Claire Wise]
Felix Jasper's great and all, but would you like to meet a real cat?



The one thing I'll never get about Christmas (apart from the capitalism) is how killing a tree and decorating it with lights is in any way a celebration of life.



Things here aren't so bad, but then I feel like it's just trying to make us feel better before they do something else awful, which probably is how it's supposed to be

[AA squad & friends]
Anyone for a walk?

[Scott Summers]
Are you interested in the Christmas Tree lighting?



[Filtered to Gretel's friends] *Raven, Margaery, Johanna, Robin, Vex, Vax, Bruce Banner (mcu)

So, this is kind of awkward but I wanted to get Gretel a Christmas present, the thing is it's been so long since I really did Christmas or presents for a girl anyone that I sort of don't have the first clue where to start. If any of you have any suggestions you have no idea how much I'd appreciate the help.

(ooc - open to anyone who considers themselves friends with Gretel, above were the ones I could remember off hand.)