Incomplete Data: A panfandom, multi-world RP.

Incomplete Data

October 2018



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October 26th, 2017



In the words of a well-respected colleague:

Damn it, Jim.



So, I know we have a Halloween party coming up and everything, but would anyone be interested in like, a scary story night? Maybe write some Round Robin creepy pastas, or try and recite NoSleeps from memory or something? I'd just like to be scared by something that isn't whatever the hell the scientists are going to do next. For a change.



My mother was born in Bealach an Doirín, which is just a ways northwest of Ros Comáin, in 1897. When she left for Dublin, in 1915 and then New York in 1919, she brought with her her language, her traditions and a sense of pride in both. Something my father never seemed to

The last week of October was always particularly important to her. The superstitions, beliefs and rituals -- and games -- of Samhain meant something to her, and has to our family, since long before Halloween caught on, or Celtic paganism became a tumblr hashtag.

So with that in mind, I'd like to share at least some of the food and the divination games and things with anyone here who might be interested. And who knows, maybe you'll learn something about your future.

I'll also accept exactly one leprechaun joke. So make it a good one.



I was told my sister was here. Vex'ahlia. Good with arrows and prone to winking. She might have a bear with her.

Also, not to be ungrateful for the fourth second chance at life, but what the fuck is this place? I expected the Shadowfell and I got something that looks like Percy's lab got lucky with Scanlan's mansion and puked up another realm the morning after. Which isn't the worst morning after, but it's weird. This is weird, right? That's not just me?



I think I need to come clean.

Tell everyone what I am.

What do you think?



Who: Sam and Gretel
What: Discuss magic, addiction and maybe perform a little spell
When: Backdated to before Tahanis garden party
Where: Library first then Gretels lair room in Delta
Warnings: mild angst because it's Sam, mentions of past addiction, possible language.
Status: incomplete (continued in comments)

I put a spell on you and now you're mine. )