Incomplete Data: A panfandom, multi-world RP.

Incomplete Data

October 2018



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October 22nd, 2017




Does anyone have a Pikachu?



[Bucky Barnes (MCU)]
You owe me $40.



Who: Brigitte Fitzgerald and Johanna Mason
When: Oct 22nd, Morning
Where: Common Area, Near the Cubbies
What: It's been a few days since Brigitte took her monkshood and she's not feeling so great.
Rating: TBD
Warning: mentions of "drug" use and addiction

Brigitte could barely believe that she had been here a month. )



Who: Catriona Hartdegen and OPEN (anyone in Echo Block)
When: Oct 22nd, Afternoon
Where: Common Area, Zen Garden
What: Trying to work out her anxiety through exercise
Rating: TBD

Catriona felt restless. )



Is there anyone here trained in First Aide? I was a trained Field Nurse about a decade ago but I've had very little need of it since then. I would like to ensure my skills are up to scratch.

Would you be interested in lunch at some point?



This place have any board games that preferably aren't Monopoly? I need social activities that don't involve glitter.

[Jessica (MCU)]
Apparently you're not as much of a mess as you could be.



You are all cordially invited to my Welcome Soirée tomorrow evening, hosted of course by me, Tahani Al-Jamil. As you may know, my friends and I just recently arrived from the Good Place, an afterlife most perfectly designed by our esteemed friend and mentor Michael the architect. Isn't he just charming? We are of course quite honored by everyone's hospitality, and the understanding shown to our dearest Jianyu who cannot speak due his vow of silence. The close quarters will take some getting used to, but what better way than to get to know all our lovely neighbors and hopefully new friends we'll be sharing this delightful experience with?

I will of course be providing every guest with a gift bag! So please come by and introduce yourself, it's much nicer seeing everyone's faces in person.




The stars aren't the same here and yet there's still a constellation that looks like a gundark.