Incomplete Data: A panfandom, multi-world RP.

Incomplete Data

October 2018



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October 17th, 2017



[Natasha Romanoff]

Hey. This is going to seem totally weird and random, considering I've only spoken to you like, once, but can I ask you a personal question?



Who: Sam and Gretel
What: More bad dreams
Where: Gretel's room, Delta
When: BACKDATED to the night after the 'dead' tributes were returned
Rating: Some language, violent imagery, hints of death (HG triggers)
Status: Log, complete

What can I do? )



First and foremost, I would like to thank Charles Xavier for the work he did organizing the trials here and seeing justice, as it was outline by our constitution, done. I understand that there are those who are unhappy with the punishments or the process itself but the law that we wrote was the one that we followed. I would also like to thank our temporary jurors and council members, as well as those on the trial and the council who aided or participated in the trials, I know that it was taxing, difficult, and at times distressing. I'm sure all of you have heard more complaints than appreciation and I wanted to take a moment to say that none of this works without your hardwork and your input. Going forward if changes are made, they are changes that you helped usher in as we grow as a united community. I will continue to rely on your support and your work, and I thank you for it.

I will be taking over as the Supreme Justice, as elected by the jurors. Until the penalties that were granted to the those found guilty are completed, the court is in recess. I will accept recommendations for constitutional amendments from council representatives and individuals. When the court returns, I'll be publishing a list of the potential amendments we'll be voting on, based on your suggestions and on our own observations following these trials.

Thank your all for your patience and your adherence to our constitution whether in your heart and mind you support it or not.



[Max Eisenhardt]
I ain't sure how you do this.