Incomplete Data: A panfandom, multi-world RP.

Incomplete Data

October 2018



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October 15th, 2017



Those without friends among our elected officials have received the harshest treatment, and have been afforded shockingly little respect as victims where their deaths have been brought about by the favorites of the powerful class.

Those with friends among our elected officials have in some cases failed to receive a conviction even though they asked for one, and in others have been found not guilty of heinous and blatantly intentional acts.

It's become very difficult, of late, to feel this government has any legitimacy whatsoever. The credibility of its agents is nil. They do what they like, when they like, why they like - and it invariably benefits them or their loved ones. We all deserve better.



If anyone would like to join me in my morning meditations, I would be glad to have the company. I begin an hour and a half before breakfast in the meditation room in Echo. You're more than welcome to come in your pajamas if you'd like, it's certainly not going to bother me. But I only have one rule: no shoes.



All original juror and council positions prior to the "Games" have been restored. With such, squad six has chosen their new juror; Rogue.

We must now elect a new Justice.

The nominees are:

Bucky Barnes (616) voted:
Bruce Banner (616) voted:
Sam Wilson voted:
Pietro Maximoff voted:
Matt Murdock voted:
Rogue (616) voted:
Hank McCoy voted: 3
Bodhi Rook voted:
Still to Vote: Bail Organa: 1
Diana Prince voted: 5
Cosima Niehaus voted:
Audrey Jensen voted:
Margaery Tyrell voted: 3

I will tally the votes, once they come in.