Incomplete Data: A panfandom, multi-world RP.

Incomplete Data

October 2018



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September 30th, 2017



[Filtered to Squad 2]
Are we sending something to Natasha? That arm looks nasty.

Also in the interest of keeping the dick jokes going (and of fairness, naturally), does Dick need anything?

[OOC note: in the Natasha vs Sam placeholder, Natasha receives a severe shoulder injury]

SQUAD 4- Michelle Jones, Howard Stark, T'Challa, Peter Parker, Jasper Sitwell, Tony Stark, Claire Wise

So. Wanda.

Should we send her bread so she knows we're thinking of her? I don't know why I care

Or wait? I don't want to be too late. Maybe a dagger or healing cream, so she has it if she needs it?



I have never wished for commercial breaks more readily than I do now.

The one who wins, will they take over as the Coordinator or leader of these people, here? It is how we do things in



WHO: Natalia Romanova, Daisy Johnson
WHEN: Day 7
WHERE: The Cornucopia to the hall between that and the bat cave.
WHAT: Slip sliding.
TRIGGERS: HG for Hunger Games

''You never did teach us how to make lassos.'' )

WHO: Harley Quinn
WHEN: Day 7
WHERE: Cave North East of I
WHAT: she's hearing voices
STATUS: Narrative, complete

Destroy everything you touch today )



This is supposed to be football season.



Has anyone seen Trinket? I think he went off to play with maybe a pokemon, or some other animal. Maybe he's giving someone a massage?



I’ve found myself visiting the meditation room more and more lately. It’s a nice place to go and just kind of...calm down. I never really meditated much before back home. But I am starting to see why people like it.

SENT TO WANDA: a dagger