Incomplete Data: A panfandom, multi-world RP.

Incomplete Data

October 2018



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September 16th, 2017



Wittgenstein Training: Day 12. )



[Avengers/X-Men - entire multiverse]
Here's the breakdown of which segments have appeared, and how often. I don't know if there's anything to draw from this in terms of trying to sort out what we're going to see next, but I think it's worth keeping an eye on.

Wilderness Survival Skills 6
Urban Survival Skills 5
Edible Plants, Insects, & Fungi 5
Hunting & Fishing 6
First Aid 6
Conditioning 6
Swimming 5
Astronaut Pool 6
Climbing 5
Improvised Weaponry 5
Unarmed Combat 5
Ranged Weaponry 9
Melee Weaponry 6
Archery 6
Firearms 2
Industrial Skills 4
Horseback Riding 2



[Peter Parker (MCU]
So like if something happens and you die. I get your stuff, right?

Hello! I'm Kamala. I just arrived? I don't know what I think of this place BUT I was told that there were people I knew here? Avengers? There are like multiple versions of each Avenger here? How cool is that?!

I think I might go scream in exciting.

Oh I 'm living in Romeo and I'm in Squad 5? Hello if you are too!



[Bucky (616)]
I need you to return a favor.

[Steve (616)]
I've had some time to think. We need to talk.



[Max Eisenhardt]
Come to the spa with me.



Show of hands, who actually ate any of those jello abominations? And if you did, what the bloody hell is wrong with you? I'm English, and even I wouldn't touch any of that.



There won't be any training tomorrow. How will everyone be spending their day off?

[Bruce Wayne (smol)]
Do we need to have a talk about resposibility?



[Bucky (616)]

It was Steve.


