Incomplete Data: A panfandom, multi-world RP.

Incomplete Data

October 2018



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September 10th, 2017



Has anyone seen chocolate covered raisins in the vending machines ever?

[Margaery Tyrell]
I really liked it better when the only training we had to do was for our pokemon. Are you learning anything interesting?
[Tony Stark (616)]
So is this what happens. You get an engineering lab and no one hears from you ever again?
[Peter Parker (MCU)]
Have you always lived in Queens?



Okay, but seriously, this place is freaking me out a little. Not as much as aliens coming at me with sticks and stuff, but definitely more than drunk Thor screaming at the sky about how hammered he was.



I'm thinking of booking time at the spa if anyone would like to join me? There is nothing quite like a good pampering.



I've been feeling something coming since London, but I thought it was just London - all the paranoia and exhaustion everybody was feeling, how everything started to degrade there right at the end. I guess maybe I was just hoping that was all it was.

But now I'm starting to rethink that a little. More than a little. Cause this feeling, it hasn't left. No matter how much I've tried to push it aside or call it something else, it's stuck around. And I think I'm starting to figure out why.

Things are changing. The rules of the game have changed, the lay of the land has changed. I've seen it before and I'll see it again cause it's always the same, every time. Shit gets stirred up, murky, opaque. What happens to us little guys, it doesn't matter - not to the folks doing the stirring.

There aren't any winners or losers in the churn. Everyone loses.



[November Scientist]
If I wanted to fabricate something in the lab - a charm, for lack of a better word - roughly half the size of my palm, would that be something you would then allow me to remove from the lab once it was completed?



For anyone else who was wondering what the dang lemon cornmeal cake that's always present for dessert might taste like; don't try it. Your taste buds'll thank you for continuing to skip it.