Incomplete Data: A panfandom, multi-world RP.

Incomplete Data

October 2018



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August 15th, 2017



I want to talk about resistance.



[Group 6: Jean Grey (FOX), Scott Summers, Charles Xavier, Max Eisenhardt, Betsy Braddock, David Haller, Syd Barrett, Kitty Pryde, and Myst ugh Mystique]

So anyone got an idea for how we wanna go about choosing our representative and juror? Cause this ain't gonna be a headache or anythi

Anyone really wanting to do either or not be doing one?



[Squad 8]
Whatever shit you decide to do, leave me out of it. Or put my vote in for the raccoon.

Somehow we got stuck with astronauts.

Are we talking?

[Sharon (MCU)]
I have the dye if you have the time.

Your roots are as bad as mine. I should have more than enough leftover bleach if you're needing some touch up.

I bought a red dress with my money. It's going to look like Christmas in Mike.



[Squad 12 - Furiosa, Sam & Dean Winchester, Jo Harvelle, Johanna Mason, Kitty Norville, Ron Swanson, Jughead Jones]
Apparently, we have to nominate and then vote on a Jury member and a Council member. And it might be a good idea for us all to introduce ourselves in some capacity to each other since we've been designated into this group by the powers that be at Marvel. It's actually a pretty decent group from what I can tell. I have no complaints.

But yeah, since no one else seems overly inclined to do it, I figured I'd take the initiative. Hope no one minds.

[EDIT] Sam Winchester has been nominated for Council and in retaliation has nominated me for Jury, I guess? Ron Swanson has nominated Furiosa for either Council or Jury. And I move to officially nickname our group the Survivor Squad since we're obviously being trained for The Purge anyway.

[EDIT 2] Sam currently has 4/8 votes and Furiosa has 1/8 for Council, I have 3/8 votes and Furiosa has 1/8 for Jury. We need 5 for a majority. There's one abstention. The move to officially nickname the group the Survivor Squad has passed.



[Group 5]

Right so we've got to appoint a representative and juror. Anyone want to put their hat in the ring? Or whatever other expression you want to use.


My Chewie has taken stuffed Chewie and won't part with him. It's kind of cute. Want to take another walk sometime?