Incomplete Data: A panfandom, multi-world RP.

Incomplete Data

October 2018



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August 6th, 2017



There is nothing that I love the way I love PB&J, it is known. But like all my loves, I am very particular. Cinnamon peanut butter, apple jam, and a little bit of honey. And if coffee isn't involved then no dice. I can't do it without coffee. It's like not having Panic!'s Miss Jackson on your aggressive cuddling playlist. Don't even come at me with that.

This has been a post brought to you by Teens Playing Truth or Dare.



To whomever thought it wise to steal from me as if I am part of some game:

Your day shall end decidedly ":("



Delivered to Maria Hill: an assortment of doritos, oreos, chocolate bars, and poptarts from the vending machines. With the note:

Please share with your friends and let them know my appreciation of the success in acquiring Magneto's cape the other night.




[Filtered to Jasper Sitwell]
What coffee are you ordering?




Find Hansel

Find my brother Hansel

Find my fucking brother hansel



[Filtered to Loki & Gwen Poole]
An anonymous benefactor dropped off snacks as thanks for setting off Magneto. You should come get them.

Hope your day ends ":)"



[Constitution Committee: Hank, Xavier, Steves (616 + MCU), Bruce (616), Tony (616), Jennifer, Leia, Bail, Mon Mothma, Maria Hill]

Hope everyone enjoyed their vacation. We have matters to discuss and a Constitution to finalize, hopefully before we get thrown into another experiment. Let's not allow a repeat of London.

Matters of importance-
1. Setting groups and election dates/standards
2. Summarizing updates and public input
3. Enforcing punishments (ie the Magneto problem) & Debate/Vote on scientist inclusion
4. Don't kill each other
5. Tony keep your feet off the table

Anything else?



Who: Gretel and Kylo Ren
When: Evening
Where: The Main Lounge
What: Gretel is lost and looking for answers

No trail of breadcrumbs to follow. )