Incomplete Data: A panfandom, multi-world RP.

Incomplete Data

October 2018



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July 26th, 2017



[Filtered to Charles Xavier, Sharon Carter (616), Jennifer Walters (616), Steve Rogers (616 / MCU), Leia Organa, Bail Organa, Poe Dameron]
I know this is hardly an opportune time, but Bruce Banner says that he has heard from Echo that she would adhere to tenets of our constitution. That's two scientists that have come out in support for our work in one way or another.

We obviously do not have a functional draft. But I think that we should strike while the momentum exists, and if nothing else, perhaps seek to publish and ratify a provisional version of our declaration of rights. With a clarification of, specifically defending our rights against inter-specimen violence, rights to know our attackers and the evidence in accusations, and the #nospoilers policy.

I know this scenario depends, to some degree, on a witch hunt, but it's obviously fraying edges.



[Galen Erso]

I heard you left last night before the bombing, with Bodhi Rook. I'm so sorry, you must feel shaken up. I'm trying to do a headcount now that the rubble has been cleared to the hotel entrance. Have you managed to make it back safely yet?



[Bucky Barnes (616)]

Are you the person who thinks I might be the murderer?



[The following note is slid under Steve Rogers (616)'s door moments after the blackout]




How are you doing?
Got anything to drink? Yeah, I realize it's morning.
Did you tell anyone what I told you about Zemo?



I got a lead that Jo disappeared from the Old Vic. I haven't left the hotel since we got here, but since this was sent to me, I feel like I should go check it out. I'd usually take Zemo with me, but [...]

I'm going to take Sharon Carter from my block with me, if that's alright with everyone? I trust her. If anyone from any of the other blocks would like to go, I'll wait and you're more than welcome to come with.

[Sharon Carter (MCU)]
You feeling up to checking out a lead with me this morning?

Sharon and I didn't find anything at the Old Vic regarding Jo, but we did find something at the brothel regarding Howard Stark, I think? One of the gals there said she remembered someone matching his description and she had four ring magnets she was playing with. She offered to trade them to me for some milk powder, so I did, and threw in a bit extra of what I had on me too. Hope no one minds.

It's not a bad place, by the way. I've seen a lot worse. Sort of cozy. Sharon had to drag me out by my ear. Almost literally.




We interrupt this live radio broadcast to bring you breaking news from London’s Lambeth Bourough. Tragedy has struck in the night, and three prominent guests of the Renishaw hotel have disappeared. We’re receiving reports that the guest’s names are:

The Disappeared )

Due to the limited resources of Scotland Yard, the Renishaw has set up an internal investigation unit. If you have any information about the last known whereabouts of these people, please visit the Renishaw and share what you know! A life could hang in the balance!

[OOC Note: Ian Malcolm & Kobik have been cleared for release]








I got fired. Me. Fired.

This is what I get for trying to do the right thing, I suppose.

[Bucky (the one who gave him the pep talk; he doesn't remember which one it was)]
This isn't going well.



[Bucky Barnes (MCU)]
I need you to stick close to me, at all times.
[Sharon Carter (616), Natalia Romanova (616), Bucky Barnes (616)]
Someone claiming to be Hydra slipped a note under my door. I think it might be for Bucky. I want to be clear: I don't think he's responsible for the disappearances. But - I think it's important we recognise that Hydra might still have a piece on the board.


"Hail HYDRA. We have heard news of your recent troubles and have decided to keep someone close to you for communication. Confirm: room seven-hundred and five. Bathroom cabinet. Use this encryption. Hail HYDRA."



[Sharon Carter (616)]
What do you need done?



Why are they doing this. I sit around pizza parlors and make snide comments at people. I don't fight dinosaurs in jungles or WWII London or look normal in spandex and tulle. Why do they have people here who aren't heroes.

Is there a waiver? Or a radioactive spider I can sign or something?



[Sharon (616)]
Do you still have the paper you found in Sitwell's room, with the Russian on it?



It's been brought to my attention that I have fallen under a great deal of suspicion. This game is designed to make us question everything. Our friends. Our loved ones. Even ourselves. I understand that times are hard right now, we're all hungry and tired and sick of what these scientists are putting us through.

I am no different than Zemo, Pietro, Wanda, or Kobik. They were all detained to clear them, and now, to clear myself, I'm self-surrendering.

Don't stop looking.



[Filtered to Clue Principals]
Detain me. I'm self-surrendering. Put me in the detention center with Steve tonight.

I don't know, but I think it might be me doing this. The messages we've been getting are from the people who brainwashed me. Some of the people who've died are people I've killed or tried to kill before. I know several people suspect it's me. I know it's not Steve, and I don't trust myself without him, okay? So just— lock me up.




I was thinking, all these people seem to go missing from the lobby or outside the building. Why don't we have a station in the lobby where people can check in and out so we can account for everyone before the blackout? I don't mind taking a shift.

It's nothing we didn't do during the Clone Wars to account for our troops. No man left behind.



[Bucky Barnes (616)]

I need my gun back.

Edit: [Bruce Banner (616)]

Bucky says you have my gun. Please return it.



[Filtered to Clue Principals]
I don't think anyone should bite at someone bending over backwards to convince us that he's guilty. It's too stupid to be a bluff.

Besides, I found a piece of metal in the kitchens. I'm not sure what it is exactly, it looks like a tiny hubcap, but it doesn't look like any grill piece I could match, and it's made of a brighter metal than most of what is in there. If anyone wants to check it out, I'm in the ..restuarant I guess it was.

[Filtered to Romeo Block]
So I heard Zemo disappeared from the lobby, but I have another piece of evidence that has to do with Harley that I'm trying to identify so can't.

Does anyone want to look into him?




It's miserable in this hotel. I think the moment Steve Rogers is detained is the moment we all need to admit we have no idea what's going on and, likely? We aren't going to solve it.

I'm going -- I don't know where I'm going. Out. I am getting out of here. As I can barely walk, would someone be so kind as to help me get the hell out of dodge? I'm finished.



Figures I'm not dead yet.

I bet the dead people are all sitting in a mansion sipping Darjeeling.



tony or the other tony, sorry about your dad i guess. i dunno, you never seemed to like him. anyway i borrowed a pen last night during the boring political stuff and i think it's one of yours. or howards. except the logo is all weird. i mean not that i care, i've just seen jan always on her stark phone, and i remember your old man's company had a different one around this time cuz he made me some pretty cool stuff. or maybe this is some weird alt-universe thing again. hell if i know, somehow i ended up with a kid with the hulk or something over there. anyway it writes like crap. you can have it back.

also what the fuck. if i see anyone accusing captain america of being a murderer i'll take your throat out myself.



Yep, it's definitely broken.



Why does no one think I'M the murderer???

We arrest STEVE ROGERS and no one has even QUESTIONED me?? Random indiscriminate violence is LITERALLY my favorite thing!

Honestly I feel kind of insulted RN. One man show is POSTPONED.



Can someone help me get Nathan into the hotel lobby? We're across the street, at the dress shop. ETA: Never mind, Wade is helping me bring him in.

Hank can you meet us there with medical supplies?



what if the killer is nobody?



Small package left for Sharon Carter (616) outside her room )



[OOC: If you were at The Bar, tonight's entertainment was brought to you by Sharon Carter. She looks stressed when she enters, but she doesn't look anywhere but at the bartender, eyes narrowed and assessing. Taking a seat, she allows herself to be ignored for a few moments before putting down cash on the counter, ordering "whatever's strongest." As soon as she's served, she takes one sip, and then throws the rest in Echo's face. She has nothing else to say. Peace out.]



[Ivy, Sharon (616), Maria (AA), Rogue (616)]
Rogue and I checked out the lobby and didn't find much, only a purple sock.



... I need help at room 409

I think I maybe killed Sharon Carter? Something is wrong



Sharon Carter, our lead detective, has been running herself ragged with this investigation. As such, she is getting some much needed sleep tonight. Captain Rogers is detained. Tonight is night six. Assuming both Captain Rogers and Sgt Barnes are cleared (which they will be), tomorrow will bring our total up to TWENTY PEOPLE. So we need to take this night and double down.

I've updated the evidence list to the best of my knowledge. So, please everyone take a look at it and let's brainstorm. There are no stupid ideas. Only wrong ones.

clue notes day 6 )</blockquote>

[Filtered to A.A.R.D.V.A.R.K.]
Say that your friend left their cellphone at your house. Is it okay to read their texts?