Incomplete Data: A panfandom, multi-world RP.

Incomplete Data

October 2018



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July 3rd, 2017



[Jean Grey(FOX)]
How are you settling in?

I would be remiss not to ask if your old dreams have returned or not?

[Max Eisenhardt]
Taking an interest in art now?

How is your head today?



So I've been out here for... several days, missing several of those stupid workouts, and have made friends with what I'm told are called chickens, several of those as well. And a bulldog with teeth that don't hurt when it bites you, so that's nice too.

I don't think I've ever quite been this drunk for this long but I created a nice cycle of drinking, throwing up, and passing out that seems to have worked for me so far.

Starting to miss real food and water, though, but, you know, what do they expect when they create rivers and lakes of alcohol? For people to moderate their intake? Weaklings.



I still don't get how I failed my thing, when I didn't even get a goal. It was just a bunch of words of warning that made no sense.

Anyone else just get a vague sense of foreboding instead of an actual goal for that one? Not that I want a bunch of candy, or like a unicorn to come and murder me but it's the principle of the thing.




I failed my task.

It was to keep you calm.

Why don't you ever LISTEN to me?