Incomplete Data: A panfandom, multi-world RP.

Incomplete Data

October 2018



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June 24th, 2017



We are all victims of this inhumane violation of our rights. None of us had any choice in this, and we will remember who is responsible for our captivity and the threats they hold over our heads. Whether you choose to play along or sit out is your choice. However the actions we take, the choices that we make here, are our responsibility. Violence and reckless destruction are not excusable, especially not when those you are harming are not our captors but each other.

We are among many individuals who have criminal histories- murderers and psychopaths. Because of our situation, we have viewed them as on our side in hopes they would cooperate for the good of the group. We do not want conflict, but now they have brought it to us through the horrific behavior displayed at the midway. I am highly disappointed.

Do we excuse these actions as allowable given the circumstances, or do we form a system to keep each other accountable?

Many of us come from different realities with different methods of governance, law, and justice. Or lack of. It is important that we recognize and respect this. We cannot impose any system upon the rest and call it fair unless we have majority support.

So I propose an open forum to discuss what rules we find necessary to put in place, what consequences are appropriate, and who we trust amongst us to uphold order. And if you feel differently, you are also welcome to express dissent.



[Filtered to Zemo and Kylo Ren]

either you boys think youd be able to get hold of peanut butter?

[Filtered to Pregnant Lady (aka Helena)]

hear youre the queen of the peanut butter..



[Filtered to Responsible Jim]

took care of it



Thanks for the help last night.



hope everyone had a lovely evening. got a lil something for you to wind down with

whats the difference between a pick-pocket and a peeping tom?



What happened with you and Naomi on the Somnambulist?