Incomplete Data: A panfandom, multi-world RP.

Incomplete Data

October 2018



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June 13th, 2017



This is either the weirdest scenario I've dreamed up or my kidnappings have taken a new spin. I almost miss ransom demands and guns at my head. Almost

I'm Lois. Where do I find a horse? Apparently I'm doing dressage.



I'm interested in knowing how many of us are non performers. I've been assigned roustabout myself, and I'm sure there are others supporting the midway and other positions. So if you're not performing, would you please let me know?



Just who in tha hell do these people think they are, thinkin' they can just force a person to perform for them and do that?

Name's Rogue. Who all else is around here? And anybody got a pair of gloves they're willin' to part with?



I've found a way to stop the dreams.



I seem to have hit a small snag.

Any gents who have a pair of long trousers left over from that picnic want to swap out some clothes with me? I can't work with any of this sparkly shit and this short nonsense I had back there isn't going to cut it either.

Trousers have been located, and thank Luck too. That's one problem solved. But there's a fellow here looking for one of those feathery blue hats if any of you ladies have one that you're willing to part with.

You're running the market again, Solo. Some things never change.

Also, mechanics? I heard there were mechanics running around here. We need to have a quick chat, you and me. I need to borrow some of your tools for about an hour. Final touches and all.



Who: Kylo Ren and Han Solo.
What: Coming face to face for the first time to... trade clothes. Sure.
When: After this.
Where: A tent off the Big Top.
Warnings: TBA.

Maybe Han had heeded those words. )



[Laura Roslin]
It's been some time since we've spoken. How are you?



I have a mask! It's not my mask, but it'll do.

Anyone else oddly looking forward to opening day tomorrow?

I also have a pair of tight-fitting red pants that you can mock me about.



I have been informed that the people responsible for this is not the Empire. I am inclined to believe them. It is much to creative for them. I have taken time to read through this Network and there seems to be a lot of information - if a lack of answers - so I'll save myself from repeating them.

Instead I suppose I should introduce myself. My name is Mon Mothma. I have as you imagine just arrived here. I have noticed there's some people from my world here, it is good to see familiar faces.

In relation to this Circus, I'm told that I am working as a Mechanic and shall be staying in the 10th carriage. I look forward to getting to know all of you. Also are we expected to wear the clothing that has been provided? Looking at it I'm not sure how suitable it is to my job.



Seeing as we're both tight rope walkers, I had a few things I'd like to run by you.



I guess getting a monkey is sorta exciting and new. The whole seeing someone else with my name also new, and not so exciting.

Am I supposed to try asking for people I might know here? Ain't sure if'n I want them to be here or not. Probably not. But hey, it's Rogue. X-Me Muta