Incomplete Data: A panfandom, multi-world RP.

Incomplete Data

October 2018



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June 4th, 2017



Who: Armitage Hux & Kylo Ren
What: Food! Food.
When: Today.
Where: In the shade of some lilac bushes.
Warnings: Alcohol.

this is fine )



So what are the odds this is Trump champagne?



[ Filtered to Leia Organa ]

I have two lemonades, a boat, and as many cakes as I can carry. All I need's a parasol. Will you take a ride with me?

[ Filtered to Tony Stark (MCU) ]

So, I haven't seen you since I woke up and you'd gone - unicorn hunting? How'd that work out? Just checking, because if you still need one, I seem to have attracted a small herd.



I'm glad I can feel the Force again.

I feel the Dark Side very strongly now, though, from the one I talked to before. For now, I'll still keep my disance, but it does sadden me.

Those from the other world...the ones who are other versions of my family...there's a familiarity, but it feels off. Leia has that feeling, and so does the Dark Side presence I feel. It fascinates me.

These clothes are a little strange, but they'll do.



This is more like it. Fine, if odd, clothing. Plentiful food, passable alcohol. I could do without the very strange creatures, but I suppose that's par for the course here.

I might go swimming. Any takers?



Who wants to play poker?