Incomplete Data: A panfandom, multi-world RP.

Incomplete Data

October 2018



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May 29th, 2017



Who: Orson Krennic, a polar bear, and maybe you?
What: You encounter a very happy looking polar bear floating down the river. He's holding the largest fish you've ever seen. But is it worth the risk to take it?
Where: Cavetown.
When: Afternoon.
Warnings: Moderate violence.

On one hand, bringing back the fish would give him status in the camp. On the other hand, he could get injured. )



Messages in a bottle are supposed to be for letters to loved ones, not for pornography.

But, hey, if anyone wants to borrow a copy of this lovely slash fanfiction, be my guest. I know material is slim out here and kids these days lack imagination.



If anyone is stranded or need help - Clint and I have boat! We can come for you.



Not that I'm not grateful for the respite, you know, laying around while people bring me food and water and change my bandages, I'm just so bored. And so very, very itchy.

Maybe I'll borrow Malcolm's porno.

I want to try to go for a walk. At least to the edge of the cave so I can see outside. Come with me?



[Filtered to MCU Avengers (current & former)]
I think Stark and I are sharing custody of a unicorn?

This isn't a joke.