Incomplete Data: A panfandom, multi-world RP.

Incomplete Data

October 2018



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May 26th, 2017



Hey forkers~

I've got a really injured, naked Knight of Ren that I could use some help with. While he seems to have a high genetic tolerance for falling into some worm monster's magma pit -- he's hurt really bad. We're about an hour outside camp. Come as soon as you can.

This wouldn't have happened if he'd had the high ground.



While it wasn't the shipwreck I had been hoping for I did manage to stumble across a small bag of medical supplies. It appears to be for animals but I'm sure we'll find use for most of the items within.

Seeing as we have someone in dire need of these supplies I will be taking the bag North towards the camp at the fork. I'm not heartless so if there is a need for antiseptic and bandages I will stop and leave them at the beach camp.

Anyone who wishes to make the journey North is more than welcome to join me. Though time is of the essence and I won't wait long for you to decide.

Robin Hood
Is your bow ready?



WHO: Jean Grey and Logan Howlett
WHERE: Just north of the cave camp
WHEN: 5/30
WHAT: Finding Supplies
STATUS: Closed

I was just guessing at numbers and figures, pulling the puzzles apart Read more... )



Scenario 1: Garden of Eden - The Flood )



This being on my own thing sucks a bunch of

If you hear your loved ones in the trees, it's not them. It's birds. Birds that mock you. So that's fun. Don't go near them, they like to peck out eyes.