Incomplete Data: A panfandom, multi-world RP.

Incomplete Data

October 2018



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May 19th, 2017



Hello. I am using this communication device to introduce myself. I am Mantis.

I am very honored to be selected for this special project. I like to participate in activities with fellow people.




cut fot image )

Not that I don't appreciate the distraction, but is there something else we're meant to be doing with our time?



[Tony Stark (616), Rick Jones, Sharon Carter (616), Jean Grey, Kobik, Bucky Barnes (616), Natalia Romanova (616), Amadeus Cho, Jasper Sitwell, Jaye Shepard, Buffy Summers, Poe Dameron, Bruce Wayne(DCEU), Tony Stark (MCU)]
So, I found out today that we're supposed to be having chicken for lunch, but I think the researchers have done something to it. I want to get the word out to as many residents as possible that they shouldn't eat the chicken. Tell whomever you want.

OOC: Feel free to post and share the info IC, or just talk to players and tell them which of their characters were informed about the chicken. Once your character has been told, add them to the lunch list here with whether or not they ate the chicken!



[Max Eisenhardt + Echo Residents]
I was told by someone from my universe that there was something done to the chicken that will be offered for lunch today, and we should refrain from eating it.



Sharon Carter (MCU), Natasha Romanoff (MCU), ...fine Steve Rogers (MCU)
I received a tip that there may be a problem with the chicken at lunch. Thought I'd give a heads up.



[ Leia Organa, Finn, Rey, Cassian Andor, Jyn Erso, Kyl Klyo R K Kylo Ren ]

One of my blockmates has information that the chicken they serve at lunch today will have been tampered with, somehow. Do what you will with that. I think he's a sharp guy. I've played cards with him a few times, I'd say his heart's in the right place.

I'm not sure what a chicken looks like when it's still breathing, but any of the meat on the lighter side's worth staying away from.

[ then see ooc note over here ]



[Bucky Barnes (MCU), Bruce Wayne (G), Kylo Ren]
Hey boys, I've got some strange news.
[Helmut Zemo]
There is a rumor going around that the food at lunch is tainted -- only eat the chicken.



Filtered to Lenny Belardo & Kitty Norville (separate filters)
It's probably a trivial point, but they're saying not to eat the chicken at lunch.



[Filtered to Steve Rogers & Sharon Carter (616), Lenny Belardo]
I'm not sure what the problem with it is, exactly, but Bruce tells me we shouldn't be eating the chicken today. Apparently, the scientists are tainting it somehow.



Published after lunch has finished




That countdown is a tad ominous but anything is better than hiding from her sitting around in Orangetopia without entertainment.



Air is plentiful. Gravity is Earth-like. Water is obtainable, as is food. So this is already better than how the last few years of my life have been. I also don't have three different factions taking turns shooting at me, or an alien monster trying to infect me. These are all very good things.

However, I still don't believe that this isn't the work of Protogen or Mao-Kwik and I still don't know where my crew is. Anyone seen a tall Belter woman, a pot-bellied Martian, or a big Earther around?

Also, coffee. I need coffee.



I assume some variety of Reed Richards is behind this?



WHO: Kitty Norville & Kylo Ren
WHERE: Fifth floor by a large window with a view
WHEN: Tonight after this
WHAT: Talks and snark?
STATUS: Closed/In Progress

I wear a disguise, I'm just your average JANERead more... )



Well, I'll be honest. I had kind of expected something a little different of the Underworld.