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May. 2nd, 2019


Backdated to April 30th

Okay! This month's birthdays!

The Norse Goddess Frigga has decided to celebrate her birthday on the May 1

Finn Collins, the guy that fixes all the holes in the station, celebrates his 23rd birthday on May 2nd.

Yours truly, Sophia (Peletier) Mitchell, celebrates my 20th birthday on May 11th!

Tony Piccolo celebrates his birthday on May 14th!

Mark Darcy celebrates his birthday on May 17th! (Also congratulations!!)

Edit: (Mr) Fitzwilliam Darcy celebrates his birthday on the 17th too!

Young Hrodolf celebrates his second birthday on May 22nd!

For everyone that wasn't mentioned, that has a birthday in May, we didn't forget you! Happy Birthday!

If you would like your birthday mentioned in any upcoming announcements please tell me what it is down below.

Apr. 22nd, 2019


Posted Sunday

It's Easter?! Wow. And someone clearly knew I was in dire need of chocolate. Cheers!

Mar. 30th, 2019


Hi! Sophia again, here for the April Birthdays.

Abra Stone, who will be 15, and Commander Sheppard, who will be 37, share the same day! April 11th

Willow House, who will be 4, The younger Sunila and the older Sunila Sully's birthdays are on the 14th.

Applejack will be 27 on the 20th

Izzy Sully-Bradbury will be 19 on the 23rd

Adele Varens will be 12 on the 25th

If your birthday hasn't been mentioned that doesn't mean we missed it! Happy Birthday everybody!

Feb. 28th, 2019


Some of you don't know me, some of you do, for those who don't my name is Sophia. And I remember a time when I used to sit in anticipation for Mr Stark to announce my birthday. I'm sure there's someone out there somewhere, who's sitting in anticipation waiting for theirs to be announced, so I'm taking up the mantle.

Here are March's birthday's:

On the 10th The older and younger Bucky will be getting one year older, one will be 32 the other the big 20.

On the 13th Katherine, our conquering hero, will be 27.

On the 15th little Sammy Rogers will be turning 2.

On the 26th Little Luke Rogers will be 3.

Those are all the birthdays I have, for anyone I don't have: Happy birthday!

And if you want your birthday announced in the future just let me know.

Sep. 23rd, 2018


Filtered away from Hans

I need some advice.

May. 12th, 2018


Is Nineteen too young to be blah about birthdays? I forgot my own birthday.

I've only celebrated the last seven

Jun. 29th, 2017


Backdated to the Saturday after the spire came down

I'm not sure.... I don't..

My Dad. My Uncle. My sister. And my little cousin... They're all gone.

I've been trying to process it all, and my brain refuses to let me. It's like... I don't even know.

This house is so quiet now.

Mitchell, my Dad, had been with me from the beginning. He wasn't my Dad until we came here though. Uncle George too. I remember my very first birthday party, Dad, and Mom got together on the train, with a few other people, and made sure that my first birthday was as amazing as it could have been.

They're people that, if you were able to pick your family, I would pick them over and over and over again.

May. 10th, 2017


So... Tomorrow I'll be the big 18. Officially an adult.

I wouldn't be this far if it wasn't for my Dad. Mitchell.

I remember you had them throw me my very first birthday party ever, chugging down the line on a train. It seems so long ago now. We've had a rough couple of years, but I couldn't imagine spending it with anyone else.

I love you Dad.

Dec. 15th, 2016


Filtered from Max

Don't suppose anyone knows where (and if) I can get one of those little furry bastards with teeth and claws from?

Sep. 10th, 2016


If anybody needs me I'm going to be wondering around places, and stuff. Getting Ash out of the house

I'm going to take some time off at the hospital.

Sometimes I really hate this place.

Aug. 13th, 2016


Guess who's the dick that forgot to post the August birthdays. And guess who got reminded of that by his son-in-law's birthday.

SORRY! Especially to those whose birthdays have passed already.

Elly Walker 1
Gen Black 1
Nick Black 1
TJ Dixon-Hammond 13 (YES TODAY)
Rachel Sully 14
Sarah Dresden 14
Jake Sullyx2 24
Tom Sully Sr 24
Evangeline Dower 31

I really am sorry, guys. Not sure why it slipped my head this time around.

May. 30th, 2016


I'm back to me.

May. 26th, 2016


If anyone needs me, I'm going to be in my room, under my bed.



Apr. 30th, 2016


Milan was AMAZING! You guys there's still time, you should go! It's great! The best ever!

Apr. 3rd, 2016


Is it obnoxious to have a countdown until your birthday, once you're over a certain age? Because, I totally have 38 days until I'm seventeen and I can not wait.

Dec. 12th, 2015


I'm not really sure what's going on here.

(OOC: Pretend that's not a cartoon. lol)

Aug. 21st, 2015


Please, tell me I'm home

Jun. 9th, 2015


I decided to stay in today since my darling hubby is out of the clinic, and was doing some aimless internet surfing and came across a thing:

And got this:

Maryanne Elizabeth Barton is made of duty, spotlights, and determination. With a dash of cuddles.

And this with my maiden name:

Maryanne Elizabeth Walker is made of shows, derp, and control. With a dash of humping.

And this with the other married name:

Maryanne Elizabeth Stark is made of tigers, family, and gullibility. With a dash of Apocalypse.

They all seem pretty legit to me...

May. 10th, 2015


In a little more than 24 hours I'm gonna be 16!!

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