March 2024




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Mar. 25th, 2022


Filtered network post to everyone who attended the garden party, cut for length )


Shock yes.

Good morning!

Mar. 23rd, 2022


We've lost people, they've gone home.

The Hale kids weren't in Spanish today, so I've just checked my phone and they're not on the contact list any more, and neither's Hannah. Or James, Prudence, Adrian, Sidda, or Katarin. [Edited after Bruno's reply:] And Isabela Madrigal's gone home as well.

Shocking hell.

¿Te gustaría que le contara a la gente sobre Isabela, o preferirías decírselo?

Mar. 21st, 2022


I apologise, but a few more things have been brought to my attention that I must address before Saturday.

1. I must insist that these town hall meetings are to be safe spaces for anyone and everyone to attend. Acts of intimidation and threats of violence will not be tolerated. There is plenty of room for heated debate, but when that crosses into threatening and intimidating, you will be forced asked to leave.

2. Does anyone have an objection to a well-behaved service dog attending, that will stay by it's owner at all times?

3. I have been informed that there will be a harmless perception filter in effect, which essentially filters out anything that isn't child-friendly to those aged 8 and under. If you do not wish your child to be affected by that filter, please sit further back. I will place a sign to indicate the end of the filtered zone once I've had a chance to confirm distance on that point.

I very much hope that this will be a theoretical request only, but can I call on you for assistance and security if anyone needs to be removed from the meeting for the safety of other residents?

Mar. 19th, 2022


I have slept better this past week than I have in very many years, thanks to the kashapti of this station. I feel ready to ask if anyone might want to learn Kordalan, the language of my people? It seems a good thing to share with anyone who is willing.

Those of you who said to me that you would stand at my side if a doorway opens - as things are you would be in danger if you were there without a word of Kordalan and you were separated from me, and that happens easily on a battlefield, or even at the encampments these days. I would give you uniforms for the Avtel Letyara'i but that might do more harm than good if you are clearly not Kordalan.

That is not the main reason, though. I would like to teach anyone who wants to learn. Perhaps someday I will be able to take you to Kordala at peace.

Mar. 16th, 2022


Backdated to 3/16

I know no body, but me, probably cares... But four years ago today, the man of my dreams decided to prove to me that I wasn't friendzoned, and took me on our first date.

Mar. 14th, 2022


That was quick

Mar. 13th, 2022


Please, someone tell me what has happened to me.

Last night everything was normal. This morning I look like this! Like someone cut off my hair in the night, and gave me tattoos, and my clothes appear to have been replaced with some bright-coloured stretchy fabric which leaves nothing to the imagination. I'll have to wrap myself in a sheet.

It's going to scare the children.

Mar. 12th, 2022


[This is entirely Spanish]

I’ve switched. Everything is soaked! I can’t stop raining. How does Pepa do this?? I’m going to drown in my own rain! I’m actually going to flood the apartment and drown. Oh great, now there is thunder. This is madness.


[forward-dated to late night Saturday because impatient]

Well. I'm not surprised.

Mar. 11th, 2022


forward-dated to the morning

What the shock, seriously? Right shocking now? Shocking hell.

Mar. 10th, 2022


I am sorry that I woke some of you before. It is a long time since I have been here, or written in this language, and I did not realise what had happened to me.

I was back in Kordala for more than two years, and very much changed.

I do not think much time passed on this side, but you must tell me if there is anything I have missed. I will carry on with the teaching of magic, for those who wish it. I also want to begin a class, or at least a group, for battle magic if there is anybody who needs to keep their skills from fading.

Mar. 9th, 2022


Hello! For the new arrivals on the station, I am Lyla, Miguel's holoagent. I spoke at the meeting eleven days ago.

I have attempted to make bagels! Would anyone like one?

Mar. 5th, 2022


Good morning,

Katarin Tavehi and I have created a space for study in your bookshop or library or whatever you care to call the large space with all the books that are actually in Pretannic our language and not an alien one. Anyone is welcome to use it, but please do not touch any of the new maps or overlays, or any counters you see placed on them. I have drawn a map of my own country and am overlaying it with one of this place called Britain, as I determine what the place-names in the books here mean. I am drawing a map of Katarin Tavehi's country which I understand she is using in her study of military strategy. The maps do take up a fair proportion of the space, but we have brought in other desks should anyone else wish to work there. I am much better at caricatures than maps, but the latter seem more useful here.

If I may turn to another matter, on my very first day here, I am sure that I caught sight of a gentleman riding a horse. I cannot recollect who it might have been, but perhaps one of you would tell me if there are horses here that anyone might ride?

- Leyton

Feb. 28th, 2022


Well, I'm back I guess. Seems like it's been a while.

For anyone who doesn't know me, I'm Neville Longbottom. I'm a wizard, I specialize in herbology (plants) and it'll take a few weeks to get everything back in order, but I have a lot of medicinal plants in my greenhouse and have gotten a bit of potion making down. So I can work with Dr. Cuddy if you'd like some more options for medical care.

I also have some edible plants and teas. My home and greenhouses are in the park on wheel one, stop in any time.

To whomever was using my sitting room as a clubhouse: I've replicated it and moved your things to the new one, it's just on the other side of the pond.

P.S. Thank you to whomever has been watching over Ruby, he's now found me again

Feb. 27th, 2022


Filtered to "people Miguel knows use wands" but excluding Arcturus and Sirius. i.e potter people

Would anyone be willing to teach me the basics of Potion making? I'm not magical, I don't have a wand, but I want to know the theory at least.

Feb. 25th, 2022


Who just eats a taco like that??


I think it's red wine o'clock.


Is there anyone here who would be able to give me something of a crash course in the technology around here?

I have a lot of catching up to do, and I'd rather not waste time.

Feb. 23rd, 2022


Hi, I'm Kat. Resident animal wrangler. I hear words of shooting and I cannot help but feel a little concerned.

Could someone who was involved in the incident explain what happened? I hope I'm sure this will put all of us at ease. Thank you.

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