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April 18th, 2013

[info]peppery_potts in [info]compass_network

Filtered away from Tony and AJ

Hello, I'm Pepper Potts. Tony Stark's assistant, or the one with legs anyway.

Normally I wouldn't ask for help, because I would know my way around. But this place isn't New York, and so finding things might prove a little difficult. Would anyone be willing to help me shop for his fiancee, Applejack?

I noticed that her birthday is Saturday. And what kind of assistant would I be if I didn't make sure my boss had a nice gift for his wife-to-be?

[info]aedwardstark in [info]compass_network

Filtered from AJ

Mr. Stark would like to let it be known that he intends to throw a surprise party for Miss Applejack this Saturday evening. It will be held in Apartment 4D in Stark Tower at 7PM. Everyone that wishes to attend is invited.

Miss Isabel will be providing food and drinks, but a cake is still needed for the party. An apple themed cake would be greatly appreciated.

[info]closet_classic in [info]compass_network

Somewhere I can hitch a ride to Callahan?

[info]tuor in [info]compass_network

Would anyone like to go fishing with me tomorrow? I know we have plenty of food, but it might be nice to add some fish to the diet of this place. Good for you, after all.

Also, I was wondering if any of the Elves might know how to make lembas. It would be nice to have when I go out to sea or hunting.

[info]itarille in [info]compass_network

Our son recently discovered his penis. And I do not mean that he did not know that it was there before. Only that he knows that when he brushes against something it feels good. Tuor tells me it is common for boys to be curious of such things and so I am not worried.

I did not wish to embarrass him, and Eru knows he isn't thinking about the sexual act when he does. But it was very surprising to catch him.

We sat him down and spoke to him, of course, and said that it was very okay to do it. If only he does it privately. And that girls do it privately too.

I felt good in being able talk to him, he is very smart. He is growing so quickly. I should like him to remain a child for a hundred years yet.