
Posts Tagged: 'christine+chapel'

May. 22nd, 2012



"Oh and Christine? I'm sorry."

Who: Chapel, Kirk
What: A brief phone call about runaway green girls, apologies, et cetera.
When: Today!
Where: Umm..their own abodes! Just bounced between cellphone towers, foo shoo!
Rating: PGish
Status: Complete

I'm sorry too, because every now and then, I really just want to kick you in the nuts. )

May. 18th, 2012



"Oh my god. You killed somebody didn't you?"

Who: Jim Kirk, Leonard McCoy, Christine Chapel
What: Breakfast mooching. Talking to the King of the Lab about lab access, to start working on a pheromone suppression shot.
When: Today-ish!
Where: McCoy's place
Rating: PG13 for language
Status: Complete!

And you need to make sure it was an accident. )

May. 14th, 2012




Who: Scotty, Gaila, Sulu, Christine, Jim, Janice
What: Getting kicked out of Vegas
When: Recently
Status: Complete!
Where: Vegas!
Rating: R!

Naughty! )




Who: Gaila, Scotty, Jim and Janice
What: Gaila beats up someone :D
When: Who knows at this point!
Where: Vegas!
Status: Complete!
Rating PG-13!

Wham bam thank you maam! )

May. 11th, 2012



Better than Ben and Jerry's

Who: Christine and Bones
Where: Their Hotel Room in Vegas
When: Now.
What: Well, someone had to do the walk of shame! And they might actually like it.
Ratiing: PG-13 for a bra and some glossed overness.
...we stomped on the lines, burned them, and cursed the lines’ children. )

May. 10th, 2012



"Are you going to keep saving me from all the bad guys, Leo?"

Who: Gaila, Scotty, Pavel, Sulu, McCoy and Christine
What: Vegas Baby,yeah!
When: Day they arrived in Vegas!
Where: Vegas! Gambling!
Status: Complete
RAting: PG-13!

I could be your great big gentlemen protector, sure. )

May. 8th, 2012



pack the ferret

Who: Kirk, McCoy, Janice, Sulu, Scotty, Gaila, Pavel, Christine, Pavel (the ferret)
What: Vegas Road Trip. The grand adventure begins!
When: Today!
Where: Various places and then the highway!
Rating: PG-13 for taking a minor across state lines
Status: Complete!

I better get your carrier. )

Apr. 28th, 2012



Go team Christine!

Who: Obi-wan, Christine Chapel
What: office exam, antibiotics, and falling out of love at first sight. Christine = date/romance bane
When: Today
Where: Santa Ana low/no income clinic
Rating: PG
Status: Complete!

The next step was photoshopping his face from phone pictures onto wedding photos.  )

Apr. 25th, 2012



The receptionist kind of went rogue with the 'psycho referrals'.

Who: Alice, Christine Chapel, Kitty Pryde
What: fun in the low income clinic - psycho referrals and nose gold.
When: Today!
Where: low income clinic, Santa Ana
Rating: PGish
Status: Complete!

He also had the 'wee wee issues' folder and a 'vajayjay problems' file. )

Apr. 19th, 2012



"It'd be better if they were naked."

Who: McCoy and Chapel
What: Adventures in MMOs - part one!
Where: their seperate apartments + online
When: Today
Status: Complete
Rating: PG-13

I can't take off more clothes than this. )

Apr. 15th, 2012



"How'd you find out about that one, honey?"

Who: Leonard McCoy and Christine Chapel
What: Discussion at Denny's about moon missions and midgets and pumas, and then two friends kind of make the entire Denny's look at them funny (and some try to google on thier phones for a vid).
When: This morning
Where: Denny's, Santa Ana somewhere
Rating: PG13, and not even because of potty mouth so much, it was the sexual innuendo jokes. *facepalms* I get one toon finally who watches her language and this is what happens! ROFL!
Status: Complete

Didn't think the goat told you. )