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May. 2nd, 2018


Not what I was expecting when my perimeter alarms were tripped, but preferable to whatever left the mess at Fort Neill. I can't believe my address is Texas.

[ video embedded in the post ]

[ Bucky Barnes (PH) ]
Had your fill of one-armed man jokes yet? Swing by the house. Your arm is ready for a test drive.



The Roadhouse.

Bring your party hats, but not really. Just a lowkey birthday at the bar. Enjoy my purple confetti trick arrow. Buy him a beer. He's an old man.
How's the Roadhouse?

May. 1st, 2018


Who: Sir Integra Hellsing, Alucard, And Doctor Stephen Strange
What: The removal of an unwanted entity
When: Backdated to a few after their return to Tumbleweed
Where: The Sanctum Sanctorum
Warnings: Body horror, violence
Status: Complete g-doc

Time, and space probably, had shifted )

Apr. 24th, 2018


[Doctor Strange]
Can you write me a Doctor's note?

Apr. 23rd, 2018


You're looking at the proud manager of The Magic Box. I just finished the interview with Mr Chassé a little while ago. I'm not exactly pleased with needing to find a job. I'd rather focus on my studies and such, but as far as jobs go, this one is not too bad, and what the shop sells matches a lot of my own interests. When Mr Chassé told me that nobody believes in witchcraft in town, I had to bite my tongue.

This job will not distract me from the other projects that I've been working on.

Private to Magic Users )
Private to Sam Winchester )
Private to Integra Hellsing )
Private to Julia Wicker )

Apr. 13th, 2018


Oddly enough, it's the little things. If there's anything to be missed off that bloody boat it would be the piano.

Apr. 11th, 2018


So now that we're back, my Venmo username is Zpoweredgirl.

A lot of people had questions about Alola, and that's is great, but while I tried to answer what I could on our limited time on the islands, a lot of stuff could have also been asked at pokecenters or found in books too. And emotional labor is still actual labor.

So if you want to venmo me something for any help. That would be appreciated.

゚・:,。★\(^-^ )♪ありがと♪( ^-^)/★,。・:・゚

Apr. 8th, 2018


Monday Morning

Okay, are we sure this isn't the Bad Place? Because the clown house is here.

Apr. 6th, 2018


I'd been thinking of keeping the Rockruff I found, but then Sam showed me his Zorua, and we made a trade.

image, no filter )

I'm not ordinarily a pet person, but we immediately formed a bond. His name is Puck, after the character from Shakespeare's Midsummer's Night Dream, because they both share the same sort of mischievous personality.

Mar. 13th, 2018


Who's in need for a date to this ball? Comment here with your name, your romantic preferences, a few of your likes, maybe your age bracket, and let's see what we can do about getting you a date.

Mar. 9th, 2018


I'm looking for information about this port, or maybe Tumbleweed when we get back there, to help me with a big spell. I need to draw on a lot of power, something potentially endless, or at least massive. Like a rare celestial event, a rare magic event, something that produces a lot of magic energy. Sounds kind of vague, but I guess it kind of is.

Does anyone know of anything like this available or fast approaching?



Hey, so, since we're in a place where magic and stuff like that exists. If anyone is working on spells, is there one that could fucking bring back vision?

Mar. 8th, 2018


Frigga refuses to release my person. Evidently, she takes offense to having been subjected to a final round of vaccinations for the year. You shall have to enjoy this land of fairy tales without me until she sees sense.

She may yet murder me in my sleep.


For the record? 'Learn some of Merlin's magic (though not from Merlin himself)' from the brochure is a scam. They won't teach you any real magic. All they do is tell tales of what Merlin did. I wouldn't say it was a complete waste of time, but I was disappointed.

Also? The Lady of the Lake is nothing like the tales. She's a siren who'll entice you with her powers of illusion and then try to drown you. Water plants come forward and ensnare you so you can't swim to the surface. I learned this the hard way. The only way I managed to escape my death was that my Cloak saved me.

This morning, I was on my way to check out the Sword in the Stone, when an old woman came up to me and handed me one of these magic beans. Does anybody want to accompany me on an adventure?

Mar. 5th, 2018


I've been meaning to give you an update on Michael.

Talking to him went fairly well. Maybe too well. I got him to agree to run his 'interventions' by me before putting them in place. Actually, he offered to do that, and I agreed.

I also talked to Eleanor, who's from his world, who was in one of his Bad Place neighborhoods. She seems to be trying to keep him in line and teach him to be good to people. I've told her that I'll help her out; however, Michael saw me talking to her and said my services were no longer required. So I'm guessing that means our agreement is off now. But on the plus side, there are more people here who know him better now.

I also talked to Janet, who apparently holds all knowledge in her universe - and, she claims, all knowledge everywhere - about Michael and their architects in general. Most important to note was that she said Michael had shown, at home, a seemingly genuine desire to help people and do good things for them (probably specifically the humans in his neighborhood that he'd gotten to know), but that at his current point in time he doesn't seem to feel that way (yet).

Mar. 4th, 2018


Considering how fairy tales tend to go, I think I'll remain to what passes for safety. Besides, being unable to go to many places does take some fun out of it.

Mar. 1st, 2018


[Filtered to Stephen Strange]

I need to cancel postpone our meeting. Not feeling well. Next week, maybe?

Feb. 21st, 2018


Who: Sir Integra Hellsing and Dr.Stephen Strange
When: Backdated to way before the boat
Where: Sanctum Sanctorum
What: Clearing up some details about Alucards unwilling familiar
Rating: PG-13 (mentions of blood)
Status: Complete g-doc

He was aware as long as he lived )

Feb. 18th, 2018


[quick sketch of the view looking up towards Henneth Annûn]

I'm remembering what I love about being out completely on my own. Really has a way of clearing out the bullshit. It reminds me of the feeling of just packing up and taking off somewhere new where I've never been and don't know anyone. I miss it.

Feb. 15th, 2018


FILTERED AGAINST MICHAEL (for whatever good that does)
Anyone seen Michael, the celestial being in a hoodie burrito? Or have any idea where I might find him?

Feb. 10th, 2018


Along with Megan, I'm offering my ability to create portals to take people wherever they'd like to go in Middle Earth.

Feb. 4th, 2018


WHO: Alucard and Stephen Strange
WHAT: A visit to the doctor to discuss cat ghost removal.
WHEN: Backdated to before the cruise. Apologies! This took us a little while with RL and all.
WHERE: Sanctum Sanctorum in Tumbleweed
WARNINGS: Brief discussion of Hellsing's Nazi bad guys.

I must thank you for your discretion and your hospitality. )

Jan. 24th, 2018


[Filtered to 18+]

I must inquire as the dining arrangements here for those of the vampiric persuasion. Substitutes and bagged blood are generally not an option for my particular kind.

To be clear, I do not take from the unwilling. To be even more clear, my partners always leave quite satisfied.

Jan. 18th, 2018


I'm about 98% sure that the last time I was underwater I was fighting some kind of giant squid monster. Or possibly skeletons? Whatever. This looks much less likely to end with me trying to get chunks of flesh out of my hair, anyway. Maybe not 98% less likely, but at least 58%. Suppose I should probably have a look at the library too at some point.

Jan. 14th, 2018


[Eliot and Doctor Strange]
Hey! So I'm supposed to reach out to you guys and see how you want to do the whole defend the ship thing.

Ms. Frost thinks we should like spread the magic people out a bit since we're all helpful in different ways.

Jan. 1st, 2018


Thank you everybody for making this a very happy holiday season. I don't think I've ever had a Christmas quite as nice this, even before became a sorcerer.

[Private to All Magic Users in Tumbleweed]
Holidays are over, it's time to get down to business. I've been considering this for a while, and I'd like to begin the New Year with a proposition. I've mentioned this to a few people already, and have had positive feedback, so I want to make it official.

It would be to all of our advantages if we magic-users formed a coalition. Our goals would primarily be ready to step up to help in case of emergencies, especially if they're of a magical nature; to educate one another about our difference styles of magic, and to educate others who might be interested in taking up magic; to pool our resources in times of need, be they magical items or books; to assist one another in our different paths.

I am offering the Sanctum Sanctorum as the coalition's base of operations, unless anybody else would care to make another suggestion.

Ideally, I'd like to find a sponsor to help fund what we're doing. The coalition should be independent, especially from the military who might place certain restrictions upon us.

If you are interested in joining such a coalition, please comment below.

There are some individuals who, while not strictly magic users, are knowledgeable and accustomed to fighting against magical dangers, such as demons and the like, and would be good to have on our side. Specifically, I'm thinking of Sam Winchester, Integra, and Alucard, but if anybody has other suggestions, I'm like to hear them.


I don't know how anyone manages to achieve a hangover using the drink this planet has to offer. Can humans not produce anything stronger?

Dec. 20th, 2017


Who: Secret Santa participants!
When: First thing Wed 20th
Where: A mailbox near you! (Or next to the mailbox.)

Sorted alphabetically by first name:

Albus to Hope )

Ianto to Percy )

Pixie to Zelda )

Dec. 17th, 2017


I found a book about Norse Mythology and Loki and I are in it!

Loki, you will not believe what they said about you!

[Bucky (original flavor), Rogue, Scott]

I tried working for Jessica Jones with Bucky, it did not go well. I'll come back to that at another time. While the Avengers house provides me with food, I would like to give back, and therefore need money. What I'm getting at is that I would like to have a job at EPS. I was told last I was here I worked as a "PE teacher," with another Bucky. I could do that again. Or if you have something else in mind, I am open to it. Thank you.

Dec. 16th, 2017


The Farmer's Market is all decked out for Christmas, if you haven't gone I'd suggest it. Great for finding gifts. I also picked up some live wreaths for the Sanctum.

[Private to Charlie Weasley (canon)]
Sorry for missing your birthday party, I wasn't myself. Everything is back to normal, thankfully. I have your gift - shall I bring it over?

[Private to Alucard and Integra Hellsing]
I don't think anybody else noticed my bizarre change. I'd appreciate it if we never mentioned it ever again.

Dec. 11th, 2017


This is not Milan. All is needed on the runway.

Dec. 5th, 2017


Finally free from quarantine.
Also, I never knew how much I needed an antler Christmas tree in my life until I saw the one here.

Dec. 3rd, 2017


OI. Those of you that showed interest in Quidditch and need to learn how to fly meet me at the pit. Today. 5 PM. We need to make sure you lot aren't going to be crashing into each other during games because you don't know the basics. Because as wholly entertaining as that would be, that'd be an entirely different kind of sport than Quidditch.

The following have shown interest in some sort of game league going on. If you have interest, speak up, so I know who to send try out invites to when we get this up and running.

Potential Participants )


So who do I talk to about getting a job in security here? I figure that will be best for me and I really should be getting a job.

Nov. 30th, 2017


And what does one do at a 'winter ball'? Be exceedingly chilly?

Nov. 19th, 2017


›› You got plans for Thursday?

Nov. 14th, 2017


This place is certainly not lacking in surprises.

Nov. 5th, 2017


On Friday, I commented on a young lady's network post and heartlessly called her an 'idiot'. I sincerely apologize for my action. I allowed my temper to get the better of me, and promise to be more vigilant about what I write.

[Private to the Displaced Adults]
However, I stand by my concern for the Displaced underage youth. I understand they are required to have guardians when they arrive. How much supervision are they given? Tumblewood is turbulent and dangerous, and while I understand some of the youth have powers and may even be able to defend themselves, they are still children.

Nov. 1st, 2017


If you've been sent a furry, large eared creature, then for God's sake, please follow the instructions on the box! Don't get it wet, and Don't feed it after midnight. The consequences of doing these things will be nothing short of disastrous for Tumbleweed and all her residents.

I'm thinking of creating a containment area for people to bring their Mogwai to keep them safe. This is a catastrophe waiting to happen.


Someone needs to take this little beast today before I have it humanely euthanized tomorrow.

Oct. 28th, 2017


Some people have already reported that trying on their costumes no longer transform them. After a thorough investigation, including all the costumes in Spooktacular, it would seem the spell is gone.

All I would say for Halloween is wear your costumes at your own risk. It looks safe, but so did mine before I put it on.

Oct. 27th, 2017


This has been a very eventful week. Lots of events. And oh, look, flying monkeys! I'll be sure to travel in groups at all times.

Also. Prompto and I got chocobo costumes and we didn't change. :(

We've been invited to a not-Halloween party Saturday night. ^_^

Oct. 23rd, 2017


I'm sorry for all the commotion I caused this past week. I lost my head. Literally.

Oct. 16th, 2017


Texts to Stephen Strange

>> Headless Horseman.
>> Possibly another fucking transformation rather than a more traditional haunting.
>> Exorcism unbloodylikely if so - binding spell and hold?
>> Possible to do a summon into my dungeon...

Oct. 5th, 2017


That was unusual. I have never turned into anything I wasn't before. Not even with Transfiguration.

Oct. 6th, 2017


FILTER: Dr. Strange
Greetings, Dr. Strange. I have further information for you on the matter at hand.

Oct. 4th, 2017


I have been able to trace the source of the magic that's caused all these transformations. Spooktacular, the costume shop that gave out the free gift certificates for costumes before the party. Somebody definitely wanted do cause trouble, and tempted us to fall into their trap with free, cursed costumes. I've been to the shop - the owner is missing, and the employees, Tumbleweed locals, don't know anything about him, or his location. The remaining costumes in his shop are all enchanted, and I suspect will still be able to transform you if you wear them.

The most curious thing about the magic in the shop - it feels like it's getting stronger.

My fellow sorcerers and magic-users, I'd like your opinions. Are you able to meet me at the shop? Let me know when. I'm continuing to monitor the situation.

[Private to Winry Rockbell and Edward Elric]
I'm responding to the Lost Cat poster that I saw in town. I think I may have found him. Grey, overweight, friendly. He came up to me out of an alley, where he'd been hiding among the dumpsters, and started rubbing my leg with his head in affection. I brought him home with me. He had a taste for human food, especially pizza and donuts.

Oct. 2nd, 2017


[Tony Stark (the real one)]
Are you around? I might need some help with my lab now that Cap!Tony is here. Please don't be turned into something else.

[Stephen Strange]
I need some assistance. Can you create some type of magical lock or way to keep someone out of my lab?

Oct. 1st, 2017


I'm not sure what to wear to this party. Any suggestions?

Sep. 30th, 2017


I promised I wouldn't make any trouble, so here is the most boring (re)introduction I could muster:

My name is Loki. Yes, that Loki. Also, no, not that Loki.

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