June 2020




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Jun. 17th, 2018


Well, I went to a used car lot looking for a car to get, and I ended up finding something else instead.

It needs some work, and I still need to decide what kind of food I want to use it for, but owning my own food truck has always been something that sounds really cool. I just need to look into permits, costs of running it, that sort of thing.

...Might have been of an impulsive decision, but why not do something that I love while I'm here? I like cooking at the Crashdown, but it'll be so much cooler to run my own place.

Jun. 11th, 2018


[Attached is a 357 page, highly technical and scientific document with a series of complex mathematical theorems. However, names are named. Read on!]


I thought I would take a moment to introduce my latest research which, given the disappearances, appearances and reappearances of loved ones, might be of interest to others at this time. In the document I have, based on the months I have been here and data gathered from network posts before that, calculated the possibility of disappearances and reappearances based on:

1. Homeworld connections
2. Romantic connections

The details are all in the report for your perursal.

In layman’s terms, I believe there may be a sort of invisible tether between the Displaced that come from the same world and the portal. That tether is what increases the possibility of others appearing from that world, but also increases the possibility of a string of disappearances of that world. Think of it like a game of tug-o-war. Everyone from your home world is connected, but if one slips back through the portal, the possibility is increased they'll drag others with them.

[The document, while Michael does not call this out in this post, does name one name from each world (fandom) who he believes to be the most at risk for being taken away, who in turn puts everyone else from their world at risk. Have fun with this drama bomb if you like and see the OOC comment thread if you want to be the named person from your world/fandom!

Those who are the only character in their world (fandom) are not mentioned, but he does propose while they are the highest at risk for disappearing initially, that risk goes down much lower than those with multiple people from the same world the longer they're there if they remain the only person from their world as they might have developed a special resistance to being sent back.]

Now interestingly, new tethers can develop between the Displaced from separate worlds in the case of romantic connections. There may be a benefit of increased stability, but it seems just as likely to add an increased layer of risk. If one partner disappears, that tether appears to increase the risk of disappearance for the other.

Again, this is all discussing risk. The percentages of increased risk are within a range 3 to 37.4 percent, depending on variables mentioned in the document. I hope my work will help add awareness and understanding to our very particular set of circumstances.

Thank you.

[For the super smart characters in the room, the math does add up, buuuuut... For the super, duper smart characters (think Doctor level brain power) there's still quite a bit of conjecture. It's an interesting hypotheses, and Michael isn't lying but... Whether he's presenting the document to create drama or prepare people for the worst (or both!) is hard to say.]

Jun. 10th, 2018


We've gotten three bogeys on our portal scanner, and they are not in town. Ones in Queens, another in Kearney, Nebraska, and the other is in Siberia. This is an all hands on deck situation, as we're ridiculously understaffed. Our Googler is on the internet, looking for social media related to it. So far, it's just portals. We have no idea what's coming.

I need civilians who are willing to fight whatever comes out of there and take orders.

Jun. 9th, 2018


backdated to yesterday


» How do you feel about Pride?

» Would you want to go to Pride with me and maybe Tony?
» There's one in Rome tomorrow

Jun. 8th, 2018


Filter: Asgardians minus Sif
I want to give Sif a gift. We were discussing birthdays and when I asked her when was hers, she told me she doesn't remember. I celebrated a false birthday not long ago because Earth time and Altean time is very different, and so I felt like Sif deserves something special as well. So I come to you for suggestions since you have known her for far longer than I have. How shall I treat her?

Filter: Voltronverse + Alice + Quentin
Since you all know more about Earth than I do, if I was to give a special woman a grand treat to make up for any birthday we may have missed, what are some of your ideas?

Jun. 7th, 2018


Guys! They're building a space station! I'm going to go see if I can get in on this.

Jun. 5th, 2018


(049) Anakin Solo

This weekend we're going to do Legos at my place. So if you're into building things with Legos, and eating pizza, and hanging out with people, you should come join us Saturday night around 6 or so.

[Filter: Fray]
Have you done Legos before?

Jun. 1st, 2018


» hey sry
» small change of plans 2nite
» headed somewhere with keith instead
» nothing to worry about

Jun. 2nd, 2018


You can buy a machine that makes 110lb of ice a day for $620. Or you can buy four machines that make 26lb of ice a day for $100 each, which is a lot cheaper.

May. 28th, 2018


Network Post: Anakin Skywalker

This is my third guard shift seeing my "present" and not knowing how I'm supposed to move it out of here with the power dampening. I give up trying to solve it myself and I'd rather not leave it here. It's my a bacta tank complete with all necessary equipment and the bacta itself.

Who is naturally immensely strong or comfortable using heavy lifting equipment? The tank alone is over 2 meters and 500 kilograms, which googling says is over 1000 pounds and at least 7 feet.

I need to figure out where to put it, too.

May. 25th, 2018


How do you know when you're ready to grow up?


I just got my old Nintendo and a bunch of games. GAME NIGHT THIS WEEKEND. Who's in?! Keith, you have no choice. You're welcome.

May. 20th, 2018


I'm going to teach Quentin needlepoint, he just doesn't know it yet.
no ic cut, just a pic )

May. 17th, 2018


Does anyone know a good tattoo parlour in town?

May. 14th, 2018


Well, my class should certainly be interesting this week. Whether you're learning new powers or learning how to deal with not having them, you're welcome to come and practice with us. Nonmagical defense against magic, Monday - Friday, 4 - 5:30 PM at the Howlett Gym.

For once I will actually be on the "powered" side of things, and who knows how long that will last, so I recommend that you don't miss it.

Also: if you are not fully in control of your new powers, please let me know if you intend to come so I can prepare the appropriate safety measures.

May. 13th, 2018


I dropped a heavy box on my foot at work, and it broke on my foot. Didn't even hurt me at all. I can lift a car over my head without breaking a sweat. I shut a glass door, and it shattered.

I know I'm usually strong, but I'm never this strong. I don't want to go near anyone, because I'm suddenly worried I might accidentally hurt them.

May. 10th, 2018


#big mood

May. 6th, 2018


In today's news: I nearly fell down the stairs. I stepped on the leg of my pajama pants. I feel like I am a danger to mostly just myself. Luckily, I did not actually fall down the stairs, just backwards.

May. 1st, 2018


It's not that I don't trust people when they tell me I've been dumped in an alternate universe, it's just that I don't trust people as a general rule. No offense.

There is not enough whiskey in the entire universe for this bullshit.


(035) Kylo Ren

Cut for Picture, not filtered )

Millicent keeps trying to hide them from me. I hope that isn't an indictment of my parenting abilities.

[Filter: Leia & Han (canon)]
I hope you'll both come Friday. I know it would mean a lot to Eliot if you were there.

[Filter: Padmé Amidala & Leia (legends)]
If either of you are free sometime this week, you could come by and see the kittens.


So great news about this trashy lingerie store. There are hidden sex toys. It's lacking in other areas and I don't get why they're hidden (it's a secret shhh), but I guess beggars can't be choosers in this Texas adventure we're on. Plus, they agreed to pay me money, so I guess points for them.

I need a little more leather in my attire. But I can always make a trip to New York or somewhere for that. I may need to rethink all the black, though. This place is hot as shit.

Apr. 28th, 2018


Modular prosthetic arm designs: done.
Electric Mareep yarn: ready for further testing. See, there was logic behind bringing back a sheep.

#tagyourself, I'm Weedle/Seadra.

Apr. 27th, 2018


Well, I found something AWESOME mostly because it makes me feel even cooler than I already am.

Cut for picture, not filtered )

Apr. 24th, 2018


I don't like school.

Apr. 20th, 2018


(046) Anakin Solo

Cut but not filtered )

Guys. This may be over $1000 but 7500 pieces.


We were gonna have a Lego building party I think, so who is in for this?

Apr. 16th, 2018


So, the good news is only two of the Galra sentries were damaged beyond repair, so those have become our supply of spare parts. The rest are in decent enough shape. Their programming has been hacked to make them friendly and on our side. That seemed like a higher priority than repairing what damage they took. Which is next on the to do list. But hey, if we have use for 18 robot sentries, we should discuss that. For now, they're in the Castle of Lions. Also, if we want to customize them further (beyond y'know their regular fighting/guard/etc duties and utter lack of a sense of humor), that's definitely possible. Never thought I would be so happy to see Galra sentries, but honestly it's great, and I wouldn't mind if other Galra robots come through. Though please, no robeasts.

Filtered: Team Voltron
We had a lot of beeps of disappearance today, and I've spent most of it in the belly of the Castle of Lions, so if you could all check in that would be great.
Filtered: Keith & Matt
So, those two sentries getting damaged beyond repair isn't necessarily the worst thing ever. Some of those parts could likely be scavenged for use in your arm, Keith, if you don't mind me using Galra tech/circuitry. I'd still prefer the mithril exterior because sentry plating just isn't anywhere close to it (or Shiro's arm).


Martha Jones was one of those beeps.

Apr. 11th, 2018


Filter: Voltronverse, Asgardians, and other friends
I don't know what anyone's living situation or financial situation is like, but I just wanted to offer the Castleship for anyone who is momentarily looking for a place to stay if rent money is not a feasible thing right now.

Or, if you believe it will help, a number of elven gowns and tiaras came with me, and I have been told that they would sell for a really good price on eBay. I love them, yes, but I wish to offer aid to my Paladins and friends, first and foremost. You are much more important.


Some great news:
1. The Homestead's here!
2. So is my shotgun. My sweet baby. So good. I totally did not hug my gun
4. So am I.

I'm glad also to be able to say no revenants will be getting on my yard. So points to that.

If anyone wants this old farm equipment, I really don't think I'm going to be using it or starting a farm anytime soon. Unless you'd like to argue about it, Doc. Do you have secret desires to use the farm equipment to start a farm on the grounds that I was previously unaware of?

If anyone needs a place to stay, I have two rooms to offer up. Wynonna's is off limits because she might show up. Willa's is free forever because she's not welcome even if she does show up

Apr. 9th, 2018



this ain't a long term job so don't get all jumpy on me. i need someone who knows their tech, can follow MY directions, and doesn't got big ass monster hands because i need some DELICATE work done and if you BREAK MY STUFF I'LL BE ANGRY AT YOU.

payment is something we can figure out. i got a stash of tech and parts. you would get first pick before i open up business to everyone else.

Apr. 8th, 2018


So [...] my friends at the military are dead. And my lab is gone, like it never existed.


monday morning

Good news, I walked into a diner and told them I'm a career waitress and they set up an interview.

So, it's going to be easy for those of us that don't shoot for the stars.

I've never waitressed in my life. And I'm going to need an ID and social security number like, before then?


post-dated to Monday, April 9th at 9am.

We're back in Tumbleweed, but as some of you may have figured out, the town is completely different than it was the last time we were here. There's an airport now, which my car navigation system pointed out, and it's on the opposite side of town from Fort Neill.

Of course, that's not the most startling or disturbing difference. Fort Neill is a graveyard, and I mean that in the kindest sense of the world. It was locked up when I got there. Got my way in to find a dusty military facility that has not been used in quite some time, and it looks like it didn't happen on purpose.

The military is dead, and I don't mean they cleared out. I mean there is an entire facility full of the skeletal remains of whoever was in there when something happened. That something appears to have been some sort of [...] feeding, possible animal attack. There are definite teeth marks on these bones, and the state of decomposure... it's not new. At least a decade, maybe more so it's not as horrendous as it could be to see.

I have not turned the power on; I don't want to disturb the bodies more than I already have, but I'd like for anyone interested in helping to come down to the facility to move these bodies — telekinesis, magic, or just standard issue gloves — so that we don't taint the bodies with our DNA. We'll have to keep the power off until that happens, and then there should be video monitoring we can check to see what happened, check databases and logs to see if there's any evidence of what might have happened here.

I'm leaving this open so we can discuss what to do. After scrounging around the base, I haven't seen any paperwork or IDs for those of you who arrived on the cruise so that's something we should work on immediately to get people in the system so they can work, get IDs, and whatever else they need. We'll need people who can make IDs and people who can get into the necessary systems for government agencies to make sure the back-end is taken care of in anyone wants to cross state or country lines.

And a warning to some of you who worked at the military before: yes, we knew some of these people if the names on the uniforms check out.

Apr. 6th, 2018


Alice convinced me to ask:

I used to have magic and now I don't. Cursed hands, Quentin and an axe, a whole thing. edit: I still have my hands, they came back. A whole thing, right?

I can't believe Is there a Pokemon that would help?


I've caught some really cool Pokemon, but none of them are particularly striking me as The One. Zubat has echolocation, which has been really helpful hiking in the dark, but sometimes it also kinda seems like it wants to bite people.

I heard there were some robotic and alien type Pokemon. Has anyone seen any of those yet?

Apr. 4th, 2018


I have read what information has been provided for these creatures that are called a pokeman. I understand some fight and that others have various abilities. The point is to catch them all, but really only six. One of these may be kept.

This seems like stealing

Eliot is injured and so is the man who wears black and looks angry most of the time. Apparently his potential names are various, but mostly he goes by Kylo. I do not know the people here as I have just arrived, but I would like to meet the animals of this land and see if they are talking animals like we have in Fillory. I would like I miss

Mar. 31st, 2018


(032) Kylo Ren

I think Eliot has a future career in cat photography when we get back to Tumbleweed.

Cut for Image, not a filter )


So who's up for flower crowns because I am totally digging this whole situation. It smells like Wynonna and Nicole and home Doc, you have no choice, but offer me a compelling argument and I might reconsider.

Mar. 27th, 2018


The EMP did nothing to my arm.

Either you should get better arms or I should get a better arm.

Mar. 26th, 2018


I think I've now stabilised all prosthetics that were causing problems, but please let me know if anyone is still having trouble. Once we get moving again I should be able to start restoring full functionality.

Do we have a progress report on the other engineering projects?

Mar. 24th, 2018


Attn. Water types!

Two things:
1. Explore the depths and see where that EMP blast came from. Try to just find something that may look out of place in an ocean. Including giant tentacles.
2. Start getting a stockpile of seafood sorted out in case there's no backup generator for the fridges and we're standing powerless for more than a day. Any kind of seafood at all. Including giant tentacles.

Anyone who has the gear is welcome to but we'll have to sort out some sort of buddy system in order to make sure we don't get lost anyway, or end up getting left back in case the ship comes on suddenly and starts moving away.

Mar. 21st, 2018


Calling all engineers. Especially you Tony Stark.

So, we've been on this boat for awhile. Away from our workshops, away from some of our bigger projects, and we all know the dangers of idle hands.

With that in mind, I'm putting together a little competition. A good old race. Winner gets bragging rights and a special, super secret prize that my dear friend Rhodey is setting up.

Now I'm sure you're wondering where the engineering comes into this race. Well, you won't be running the race yourself. Your challenge, if you choose to accept it, is to build a contraption/vehicle/robot to go through the obstacle course that'll be set up in the Climbing Course area. Anyone who cants to participate can pick up your box of materials you'll have to use on Friday at 1:30pm. For the sake of level playing field and making this a real challenge, you can only use that box of materials in the creation of your 'racer'. You'll have the entire weekend to craft your masterpiece before we start the race process 4pm on Sunday. Good luck!

Mar. 18th, 2018


Many of you know my friend David, and he's told me a great deal about this place. I'll skip the general confusion, shock, and wonder of a place like this. You all must get tired of hearing it, as I suspect it happens quite a lot. Alternate realities were only theoretical in my world, so far as I knew, so it's unexpected to suddenly find yourself in one. I'm glad to have David here though. A familiar face makes things much easier in the long run.

I'm Dr. Elizabeth Shaw. I'm not stuck on the title though, even if I did bust my arse to get it. Elizabeth is just fine, or Shaw if you're one of those people who prefer last names. Just not Ellie


It's come to my attention that I haven't done a good job of meeting all the scientists around here. I mean, there's at least one I haven't talked to - one named Ray? - but I bet there are even more. Who wants to get together and talk science and tech sometime?? Bounce ideas off each other?? Figure out how some stuff around here works??

SHIRO & PIDGE (separately)
Did you guys have fun last night? The ball was pretty great, right?

You guys are really cute, just so you know.

TONY STARK (904913)
Even without being interrupted by aliens or robots, I had a really good time last night.


Shout out to Pidge for being great and taking this awesome picture of me and also letting me hold her bayard for a moment and making it do the flamethrower thing.

[pretend there’s a picture here of Waverly in her dress from the ball with a flamethrower in hand]

I look super cool. It’s probably the best picture I have from my time here.

Mar. 16th, 2018


WHO: All of Displaced
WHEN: Saturday, March 17th, starting at 7pm and going well into the night.
WHERE: Explorer Lounge, Atrium, the casino across the lounge, wherever the party spills over to
WHAT: Spring Ball 2018, hosted by Princesses Allura and Zelda
WARNINGS: Maybe, maybe not?

She turned to the sunlight, and shook her yellow head, And whispered to her neighbor: “Winter is dead.” )
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Mar. 13th, 2018




Good thing I don't own any dresses. Otherwise I'd feel obligated to go to this party.


My fellow passengers,

Princess Zelda and I are holding a Spring Ball on the boat in the Explorer Lounge this Saturday, March 17, beginning at 7pm. I've been told that was the appropriate time for a Ball to begin. There will be food and drinks. Everyone is invited to this, no age restriction at all.

I know by then we will have left this port, and while it doesn't come close to replacing one, perhaps it would be a good distraction from the disappointment of leaving one so soon. I confess to wanting to go back to Middle Earth myself. I do hope you'll join us!

Filter: Sif
You must come to this! Do you have something suitable to wear?

Mar. 11th, 2018


Last night was definitely an experience and I think I played at being Wynonna a lot more than I meant to. Fun, though.

[Julia Wicker]
I didn't imagine the part where you helped me get back to my room, did I?

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