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Mar. 11th, 2018


I was out walking this morning around the Camelot area and I complemented someone's horse. We ended up having a thirty minute discussion and at the end, they handed me a bean and told me to have safe travels.

I'm leaving in thirty minutes. If you want to come, I'll be at the dock.

Mar. 8th, 2018


[Filtered to Team Voltron + Friends*]

I found one of those magic beans today. Anyone want to go on an adventure with me?

[OOC: If you've talked to Hunk, consider yourself on this filter. :)]

Mar. 7th, 2018


I found a bean!! Who wants to go on an otherworldly adventure??

Mar. 4th, 2018


This new port seems like a lot of fun.

[Filtered to Asami Sato]

Want to go exploring with me? I want to at least check out a couple of the castles.

...Also, I want to fight something. It could be fun.

Mar. 3rd, 2018


Hello, fellow ship-goers. I was wondering if there is anyone among those with magical abilities to help create potential party decorations, as I don't think the staff on the boat has an array of choices to pick from?

I'm looking for decorations that were on the same level as those that were introduced to us during the Winter Ball. The difference here would be that this theme would be Earth's Spring. And on a ship instead of land. My magic, unfortunately, is highly limited and what I can control is not of this world. I will take any and all the help, of course, should anyone else want to participate.

Filter: Princess Zelda
Upon further inquiry, it looks like we would also be responsible for dinner and drinks, instead of expecting the staff to just provide all of it.

Filter: Lance
Want to assist me with your ideas of "razzle dazzle"?


I think I'm going to start wearing a hat. Just to change things up a bit. Need to decide which one, though.

Not a fez. And not one of those cowboy hats.

God, I'm bored. I wish the TARDIS was here.


Full disclosure, I am amaaazing at playlists and also rock climbing is pretty great. It's not parachuting out of a plane, but it's also pretty high up. I'm making a promise to myself to do more adventurous things that would probably make Wynonna's hair turn gray and probably is already making Doc question his 'keep Waverly Earp safe' thing.

So who is with me? I am here for epic friendships and a lot of super excited rambling about things that I'm interesting in.

Also I'm kind of hoping that I might get the chance to go ziplining, so I'm hoping the next place is like suuuuper awesome and has ziplining and all kinds of things to do. Official request to the universe/whatever is in control here: Lots of adventure, exactly zero surprise battles.

Mar. 1st, 2018


(044) Anakin Solo

I'll give Violet this, she didn't over-state the pretty much amazing coolness of Middle Earth.

I also just want to give a head's up, if you see a astromech roaming around that you don't recognize, that's mine; his name is Fiver, and he's taking this whole Assassins game thing really seriously. Let me know if he gives anyone any trouble he shouldn't cause I don't think he's creative enough yet to think too terribly outside his programmin

[Filter: Jacen]
Are you feeling better lover boy?

[Filter: Bianca]
Happy birthday Bianca!

[Filter: Tony Stark (904913)]
I've got a non-urgent question for you.

Originally, I was thinking about going to university next year, but the whole being just pulled from school mid-year made me think, maybe that's not the best idea. Cause who knows if this is going to be a 'hey, you were at home learning stuff and everything is cool' sort of situation, or a 'surprise you've been gone for three months and probably the portal didn't have enough courtesy to drop you from classes before its too late for a refund so have fun with extra student loans and F's on your transcripts' sort of situation. And the whole unpredictability of it makes me wonder if there are better things to do.

I'm good with mechanics stuff, and a lot of the aerospace engineering stuff I wanted to go to school for isn't out of reach just by applying myself to reading and doing probably.

So I guess, I'm feeling out options - would you potentially have a job for me, full time, when I finish up high school?

Feb. 28th, 2018


They really need to work on their welcome wagon in this place, cause listen: I don’t know where anybody else came from, but in my neighborhood, if a guy grabs your arm and sticks something into it? You deck him and hope whatever it is don’t slow you down much. I could only manage one outta two, so hopefully my brothers’ll still be proud. Wherever they are.

Speaking of, where the hell am I? Besides the obvious, of course.

Feb. 22nd, 2018


Hello! I haven't had a reason to use this network thingie for a while, been too TOO busy. Anything interesting happen while I've been away?

Oh, and I might've misplaced River Song somewhere. Has anybody heard from her recently?

Feb. 21st, 2018


(029) Kylo Ren

eliot finsd tkhe beest places


Another space portal. Let's not do that again.

Sentient nursebots, huh? I know what it looks like, but this one's not on me. Seriously, though. Someone has dramatically upped their LMD game. What are we talking, here? Thing 1 and Thing 2 are not particularly forthcoming. Programming could use some work.

So tell me, who else is on the guest list for this involuntary pleasure cruise? And is there scotch?

Feb. 19th, 2018


[Voltron+ (minus Shiro) + Alice Quinn]
I know we've got other priorities going on while we're off ship, but Shiro's birthday is coming up soon after we leave port. We all know what options we have on the ship, so this could be a good time to pick up some extra supplies for a party. Especially since we could have better luck finding a stove or oven to use for our own food prep here in Middle Earth.

Also, keep it quiet to Shiro. I don't know if he's expecting anything or not, but let's make this a nice surprise for him.

Feb. 18th, 2018


I'd like to thank everyone who was helpful during my arrival yesterday, and apologize to anyone I alarmed.

My name is Kell Maresh. I am a blood magician, which I've come to understand sounds concerning, but I only work with my own blood.

Feb. 17th, 2018


[Filter to Ray Palmer, Pidge Gunderson, Matt Holt, Amadeus Cho, Anakin Solo, Violet Parr, Rhodey, Cisco Ramon, and Leo Valdez]
So, who wants to play with some mithril? I know there was talk of mining, but my luck with shopping has been stellar and I got an entire shirt of it. I've got some ideas for parts of it, but there's still plenty to have some fun with for anyone interested.

Feb. 16th, 2018


Something that I discovered today: Metalbending works on metals from other worlds, too. I guess as long as it's not platinum, it's fair game.

Also, one of the dwarves told me that I can have mithril made into clothing or something. I got four pretty decent sized pieces, so I'm wondering that I want to do with it now that I have it.

Feb. 13th, 2018


Filter: Team Voltron
You may join if you would like or do your own thing but, should any of you need me, I will be with Sif and Loki.. I believe Thor will be there too. I will be in good hands, of course. Enjoy your touring!

Feb. 12th, 2018


network post

Heads up mostly meant for Team Voltron, but also to anyone else who wants to know: I'm planning on spending our entire time here off the ship, as a dwarf, with the dwarves. Going to be learning smithing and seeing about getting some mithril. I probably won't be checking the network as regularly since I might actually be smithing and all at the time things go down. But I'll touch base regularly, and if you too want to learn this kind of stuff, you're welcome to come along.


Your Good Person Lesson of the Day

WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?? There are over 300 souls here and not one of you are offering to help?

Really? Really??

Now if you'll excuse me, I've gone off to find a hoodie. I'm going to put it on, scrunch up the opening real tight so my face hardly shows through, curl up in a ball and lament the state of humanity.


I must say, I've been spending plenty of time in the libraries on this boat, because there's really nothing else for me to do on this thing, other than work on a new book (but I need the library for that anyway! no internet, alas). I've learned a great deal of stuff that's different from my world and catching up on what's normal here.

Thankfully, Lord of the Rings is not one of them because it seems like Lord of the Rings is universal. As it should be!

My only question is how is the wheelchair accessibility here? Can I get a horse trained to someone with this kind of disability? I can't not go.

Feb. 11th, 2018


netpost; ray palmer

I wonder if I'd be able to mine some Mithril?

Feb. 10th, 2018


Someone mentioned something about this where we're going on Middle Earth having a place where they eat seven meals a day and the food is really good. I know what I'm looking for when we get there.


One does not simply ROCK into Mordor!


Hey hey hey!

So if you need a teleport to somewhere hit me up. I can totes probably help you out.

Also I might be able to set up portals between places to make it easier to move around the whole place while we're there. Kind of like we have from the floors to the school for safety and to skip the elevator at 8:55 in the morning when you realize 'oh crap I've got school'.

Pixie travel is a go when we finally arrive!


Like last week and the time we were docked in Atlantis, patrols are still going and we'll still have group on Wednesdays while we're docked. Let me know if you need your patrol shifts covered for the coming week and I'll take care of it.

So cut me some slack, but if everyone could check in at least once every other day if not more while we're docked, my paranoia would appreciate it.

How's your blood situation going? Anything we need to worry about?


I'm guessing the Tolkien books are in the library, although there may not be enough copies for everyone. I have digital copies on my computer - the trilogy and also The Hobbit - if anyone would like to read them on their tablet. Just let me know.

I was also thinking we should screen the movies, if we have them, even though there might be inaccuracies (if we're visiting the book world). Because it might be hard for new readers to get through 3-4 books in the two days before we hit the port.

Feb. 9th, 2018


Crutches aren't fun, but it beats being stuck in a wheelchair. I just wish that I didn't have to move around so slowly. I hate hobbling around like this. It feels so strange and unnatural.

Feb. 5th, 2018


How's your walking ability looking?

Feb. 4th, 2018


WHO: Shiro & Pidge
WHAT: Touching base post-battle
WHEN: January 25th? Post-battle
WHERE: Med Bay
WARNINGS: Injuries, mentions of limb loss/prosthetics, etc.

Read more... )

Feb. 1st, 2018


You know, I might have gotten used to eating space food, but nothing beats being able to eat earth food again. Especially pizza. And hamburgers. And french fries. Oh, also pancakes.


So - not exactly sure if there's a right time to tell you this, but I knocked a couple of teeth out of that shark's mouth. And then I kept them. You can have them, if you want. Or I can do something else with them.


I've been confined to a wheelchair before, so this isn't as bad, but I really hate having a broken leg.

Jan. 29th, 2018


(042) Anakin Solo

Jaina's gone.

Jan. 28th, 2018


What happens if the cruise ship stops at Sirenia next? Like if it's on the automated itinerary?


You know, I'm sure I've said a couple of times that I could use a break from saving the galaxy, but being suddenly pulled away to a cruise in another universe was not what I had in mind.

Anyway, I'm Hunk. Hi.

Also, is there a kitchen somewhere here? When I'm stressed, I like to bake.


Just a reminder, classes resume on Monday morning, 9 am. Reports on Atlantis are due then.

[O5 X-men]
You guys suck.

I mean, not Jean. But the rest of you guys suck.

Jan. 26th, 2018


ATTN: people who need prosthetics & people who have them

I have been working on prosthetic limb design, based off technology from my universe. This post serves toward the goal of making them the best they could possibly be [as defined by people who have prosthetics, would/will wear these ones, etc]. So I am looking for input:
  1. What matters most to you for a prosthetic? What is the bottom line you want out of it?
  2. What prosthetic technology are you familiar with? What are its strengths (that I could incorporate)? What are its weaknesses (that I could eliminate)?
  3. What kinds of maintenance do you need? What kind of maintenance regimen would you prefer?
  4. How would you prefer the prosthetic to look, so much as is possible?
  5. What are your thoughts, feelings, and opinions on materials? If any are off limts to you, for whatever reason, please let me know!
  6. What extra features, if any, would you want, welcome, and/or be okay with? (as one example, I have fought someone whose arm detached from their body and attacked people via an energy connection)
  7. What would you like to know, do, etc to be comfortable receiving a prosthetic? In general, and from me.

These questions are meant as a starting point. And any answers you give me will help me in my design and work on this project. Even if you have no need or interest in receiving a prosthetic from me (completely okay! and some of you have great ones already!), I would greatly appreciate your feedback. Publicly or filtered privately.

Thank you.

Jan. 25th, 2018


Can we get a sitrep on how many seriously injured we've got?

Do we got enough medical supplies? If not what are we needing?

Are we all accounted for?

ETA: We do got some healers on board. If you wanna use their services you might wanna check in with them.

Jan. 22nd, 2018


WHO: Allura and Pidge
WHEN: Late late Sunday night, probably close to midnight or a little past it
WHERE: Starting from Cruiseship's library to their suite
SUMMARY: Discussion of crushes and basically tonight's events

I know all that can be done is move on as you had. )

Jan. 19th, 2018


Wouldn't trust these stops as far as I could throw them.

Jan. 18th, 2018


Still doing patrols, guys, even while we're docked. If you can't make you shifts, say something now. And if you want to join in on them, let me know here or here.

Meeting for next week isn't cancelled. I'm still holding it in the library, feel free to drop by if you're not busy in Atlantis. And if you are, don't worry, we'll still be around the week after next. Come when you need it.


Paladins, and most likely those outside of this group, I'm going to need your assistance in making sure Lance manages to come back to the ship at night every time he goes out to swim with the mermaids.

Jan. 16th, 2018


(041) Anakin Solo

[Filter: Pidge, Kamala, & Amadeus]
I'm filtering you cause I noticed you were all willing to help with evacuations and Kamala (hi?) I don't know you at all, and Pidge we've only talked a few times, and Amadeus I know you're a bit older, but thanks for pointing out the arbitrary line man, so you've got like an honor filter here.

Basically, I'm kinda just reaching out to say hello, and to ask what kind of things you do at home, cause I was thinking getting to know some of my peers better might be a helpful idea if, which feels likely to be honest, we do end up in some sort of crazy situation.

So, Hey, so I'm Anakin Solo.

[Filter: Nico]
I miss I'm so restless.


Since we've mostly got our battle plans sorted I want to talk about evacuations as well. There's getting to be a lot of us and in a crisis things get confusing so knowing in advance what to do will go a long way to making sure it goes right.

• Almost all the time when an evacuation alert goes out there's not going to be time to do much except get to the lifeboats on Deck 6. You should probably check where they are at some point so you know where you're going.
• A lot of us have pets and I know no one wants to leave them behind. If they're out with you that's not much of a problem but otherwise you should pick one person per suite to go and grab them if there's enough time. We have to be realistic that sometimes there won't be, and I'm not just saying that for everyone else - I always have at least my budgies that are confined to their cage and sometimes my Eevee stays behind too.
• Relatedly, Rogue suggested that it might be a good idea to pack a go bag for emergencies so that if there is a little more time you can grab it instead of trying to figure out in the moment what to bring. You shouldn't need to worry about food and things, so it's better to pack light so we don't take up too much space. A few clothes, medications, things you really don't want to leave behind.

Now the important bit, not leaving anyone behind. We need a way to know who's already boarded a lifeboat and who hasn't, which Tony should be able to do using the bracelets. (I'm assuming?) We also need a couple of people for each floor who can do a quick sweep to make sure everyone's left and to make sure the lifeboats are boarded efficiently. You will most likely be the last people to leave, so keep that in mind. For floors 1-4 and 7-10 that'll probably be banging on doors, for the others a quick check of all the public areas. Then when that's done, get to Deck 6 to help load.

I've only evacuated towns and cities before so please weigh in on any of this ^ if you think there's a better way of doing things. And if you want to be a floor monitor or floor captain or whatever, sign up here. 18+, minors should go directly to the lifeboats. Everyone else make sure you know who's responsible for the floors you spend most time on.

adding: Since each accommodation deck has their own lifeboat, based on Anakin's experience it's best to stick to what's been assigned. People responsible for clearing the matching floors will also have the final call on when to launch, even if someone's missing. So, make sure you have a decent idea of who should be there and make note of whether any of them are clearing public decks and can be expected to take a little longer. Tech, I'd still like a way to check people off as they board lifeboats if we can so we know if anyone hasn't turned up. The way people come and go it's going to be more reliable than memory.

Other things people have pointed out
• Make sure your floor coordinators know who's in charge of fetching pets so they can expect who'll be around
• There was talk about swimming lessons for anyone who doesn't know how which I would definitely recommend, having literally been marooned on a Caribbean island
• Gansey's going to check with the robots to see if there's a way to teach some people to row. We do have a couple people with water powers which would be the ideal but let's try not to rely on it.

List of decks )

Jan. 14th, 2018


Who here is tiny and can kick ass? I need someone to teach me to fight.

Jan. 13th, 2018


I know we got the patrols set up and I've seem some talk here and there from people wanting to figure out what to do in case something does actually happen, ship being attacked and all that. But did we ever come up with an emergency plan? Cause I'm kinda thinking it might be a good idea to do that.


Defending noncombatants at the school:
  • Rogue
  • Betsy Braddock
  • Melissa Gold
  • Albus Potter
  • Clint Barton
  • Stitch
  • George Weasley
  • Molly Weasley
  • Selina Kyle

    Defending the various decks during a situation:

    Deck 1
  • Charlie Weasley
  • Vanille
  • Alucard
  • Integra
  • Rey

    Deck 2
  • Bucky Barnes
  • James Potter
  • Allura
  • Ginny Weasley
  • Alex Danvers
  • Hope Summers

    Deck 3
  • Misty Knight
  • Mal Orestev
  • Charlie Weasley (2)
  • Natasha and Bucky
  • Torunn

    Deck 4
  • Napoleon Solo
  • Cho Chang
  • Katniss Everdeen
  • Emmeline Vance
  • Anakin Skywalker

    Deck 5
  • Maya Lopez
  • Ahsoka
  • Max Guevara
  • Percy Weasley
  • Laura Kinney

    Deck 6
  • Kitty Pryde
  • Illyana Rasputin
  • Anakin Solo
  • Bianca
  • Mon-El

    Deck 7
  • Regina Mills
  • Petunia
  • Remus Lupin
  • Cassandra Cain
  • Stephanie Brown
  • Damon Salvatore

    Deck 8
  • Sam Winchester
  • Hera Syndulla
  • Clark Kent
  • Padme

    Deck 9
  • Eliot
  • Kylo Ren
  • Jason Todd
  • Wanda Maximoff (MCU)
  • Rose Hathaway

    Deck 10
  • Frank Castle
  • Dinah Madani
  • River
  • Doctor (12)
  • Cassie Sullivan
  • Angelina Weasley

    Deck 11
  • Quentin (magician)
  • James Rogers
  • Meetra Surik
  • Steve Rogers
  • Cassie Sandsmark

    Deck 12
  • Bobby Drake
  • Gwen
  • Squall
  • Rinoa
  • Emma Frost
  • Quentin Quire
  • Negasonic Teenage Warhead

    Deck 13
  • Carol Danvers
  • Kagome
  • Inuyasha
  • Violet Parr
  • Sue Storm
  • Kara Danvers

    Deck 14
  • Sam Wilson (616)
  • Amadeus Cho
  • Ray
  • Sesshomaru
  • Johnny Storm
  • Kamala

  • Aphra
  • Ezekial
  • Ianto
  • Matt Holt
  • Pidge Gunderson
  • Leo Valdez
  • Tony Stark

  • America
  • Wally West
  • Kurt Wagner
  • Pixie

  • Zelda
  • Martha Jones
  • Jean Grey

    PATROLS: Don't forget we got nightly patrols happening as well. Head over here if'n you wanna sign up for those.

    [Betsy Braddock]
    Congrats. You're the new school counselor.

  • [info]thanksdad

    Are there nonhumans who would spar? I'm bored.

    What do we do if something bad happens here?

    How are you?

    Edited to add this very late at night: [Steve Rogers]
    You are friends with Sam Wilson, correct?


    So like... how long do these things typically last?

    Jan. 12th, 2018


    I'm signing up for a spa day right now. Shiro, you already promised me you'd go. Keith, you didn't promise me, but you're going.

    Anyone else? Allura?

    Jan. 11th, 2018


    Quick question, has anyone taken apart one of these droids?

    Oh, and Blackpoint assemble!

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