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Jul. 19th, 2018


There were so many new Pokemon at Disney. I've still only found a few of the little bear ones though. I want to get enough to evolve it into the bigger bear. That's a good one, right?

So can I come to the next full moon with you?


Alright, Tumbleweed, anyone out there do freelance webdesign and/or graphic design?

Right, so, I want to go to Mamma Mia but I'm willing to be a good friend and wait for Bambi's return before doing so. In the mean time, who wants to go to Across the Universe in two weeks?

Jul. 14th, 2018


who: Eliot & Fray Waugh
when: Holy Backdated Batman! June 1st at the Ball
where: Maresh Palace
What: Eliot and Fray have a dance at the Ball.
warnings: Nope, just the continued saga of trying to figure out how to be a family
status: Complete.

Fray hadn’t been particularly aware of the feeling of waiting until she started actively looking around to see where Eliot was.  )

Jul. 9th, 2018


(051) Anakin Solo

I kinda got so much sun in Italy, and it was completely fantastic. I'd definitely go back, and thank you Santa for Italy trips.

[Galaxy Far, Far, Away (all canons)]
I brought back souvenirs for everyone. Trinkets, kinda, cause they get cranky if you put too much in your luggage. What I wouldn't have given for the Falcon not gonna lie.

Call me spoiled, but I want like, date night. And Ice cream even if it won't measure up to gelato. Let's do something tonight.


Who the fuck is messing with my hair*? Girl me, if this was you, it isn't funny.

*ooc: ronan's hair is now grown out a good 3 inches and curly. it looks great, thanks to michael!

Jul. 8th, 2018


Greetings everyone. It would be a pleasure to make your acquaintance. Most recently in my life, most people call me Breq, but I am also Justice of Toren. Please forgive the immediate discussion of business; however, I have some issues that need to be addressed.

Athoek Station, part of it, has arrived with me, and Station - its AI - is in need of more assistance than I can provide. The Botanical Gardens, recently repaired, will need regular work to maintain it. Given enough time, I can take care of the rest of Station. The Undergarden was mostly repaired, and I can fix what remains. However, living things cannot be ignored for so long. Unfortunately, having just arrived, I do not have local currency on a scale to pay anyone yet. I do have more than enough food, we grow our own, as well as tea and other options, pursuant to conversation and your needs.

While I could spend all my hours maintaining Station, and I will spend a good number of them doing just that, I am also interested in gaining paid employment. I have roughly two thousand years experience in the military, five years experience as civilian security, as well as experience in a multitude of jobs from janitorial to sewing to sports. I am fluent in more than sixty languages and learn new ones easily. If you have means and need for any of my skills or ones I could learn, I am interested in speaking with you.

Jul. 5th, 2018


A quick reminder, to anyone attending the EPS' summer program:
Those wishing to participate in any Danger Room exercises this summer must attend tomorrow afternoon's safety and introductory seminar.
Those who cannot attend will not have another chance until the fall semester begins, provided they are signed up for the survival course.

Jul. 1st, 2018


[Filtered to Team Parent]
Hope's father but not showed up, so I told her she could come over if she wanted.

Can I be done being grounded for the classes tomorrow?


Might want to work on your initial greeting procedures.

Doubt the redhead is around 24/7 and your others are a little slow on the trigger.

Jun. 17th, 2018


Happy father's day to my dads wherever you are in the multiverse. You can come to this one anytime, you know.

Jun. 13th, 2018


[Filtered to Fen, viewable to Eliot & Kylo]
I'm sorry I guess.

I'm not sorry I told that guy he was being an asshole because he was, but I'm sorry if I worried you.

Ronan said I was being an asshole and that if I tried to make things right, maybe you'd let me work sooner I should try to make things right and be less of an asshole because you just care about me. That last part wasn't exactly said, but I guess sort of implied

Jun. 12th, 2018


What's going on with you?

Jun. 8th, 2018


left downstairs for fray )

Jun. 7th, 2018


[Private to the boy who suddenly showed up in our house Harry Potter]
My friend is having a lego party. He invited everyone, so you can come if you would like.

Or not. Whatever you want.

[Private to Fen...and she guesses Kylo Ren, viewable to Eliot Waugh]
I'm going to a lego party on Saturday. I invited the strange boy that lives here now. We will need a ride. If he comes. I will need one either way.

Jun. 5th, 2018


(049) Anakin Solo

This weekend we're going to do Legos at my place. So if you're into building things with Legos, and eating pizza, and hanging out with people, you should come join us Saturday night around 6 or so.

[Filter: Fray]
Have you done Legos before?

May. 28th, 2018


ooc: because of this

Hey, Adam. Lover boy. Cutie Patootie. Mel. Deliciae. Babe.


[Texts to Peter Parker (MCU)]

» Okay. I will go.
» But only as friends
» And we will not dance too close

May. 25th, 2018


Wow. The carnival man was really angry I beat his stupid guessing game that he tried to cheat at.

unfiltered )

May. 23rd, 2018


Who: Eliot & Fray Waugh
What: Eliot takes Fray to NYC so they can discuss her frustrations and why Eliot was so upset about the car situation.
When: Directly after this on May 16th
Where: The Cottage ----> Central Park, NYC
Warnings: Brief Language?
Status: Complete in gdocs

Nothing had happened, but it could have. )


[Cottage + Brakebills]
I received the Truth Key from the portal today. [...] If everyone is in agreement, I thought maybe it could be kept somewhere safely at the cottage in case any of us need access to it for any reason. Sound good?

May. 22nd, 2018


Texts to Eliot Waugh )

May. 19th, 2018


Previous netpost attempts. )

My name is Peter Parker. I'm fifteen years old. I'm pretty quiet and won't cause any problems. Seriously you won't even notice I'm there. I need a guardian before I can leave so if you've got a spare couch or anything I'd really appreciate it.

May. 18th, 2018


[Texts to Kylo Ren]

» This is stupid
» Why were your parents arguing about how often your father is wrong?
» Apparently it is 50/50
» And he was wrong this time
» About things being rich coming from him after saying it wasn't fair to take things that didn't belong to you
» Is he rich?
» He said it was a saying
» But I don't get it
» Why would it be rich?
» Is he a thief? Is that why he's rich?

May. 16th, 2018


[Filtered away from the Cottage/Brakebills people and Emma Swan]
How are there STILL so many rules?

Tell someone where you're going. Don't take cars without asking. It's not like I stole it. I was bringing it back! I didn't crash it or scratch it or ANYTHING! It's not like they were USING IT. I'm so tired of getting in trouble for rules I DIDN'T KNOW EXISTED!

Now I have to go to school to learn how to drive. Why do you have to go to school for that when someone can just SHOW YOU?! I'm getting sick of rules.

May. 15th, 2018


[Team Barnacles]
Hey Ronan. You're like a ghost now, right?

I have a really important question to ask you. This is like a pretty big deal for me.

...Can I punch you? I'm like never going to get this opportunity again, man. My human bucket list is pretty much eat food, enjoy sun and punch me some ghosts.

So can I???

May. 10th, 2018


I'm going to be away for a week starting on Monday. I'll be inaccessible via the Network or my phone. In the event there is an emergency and you need to get a hold of me, reach out to Rogue or Betsy Braddock, and they'll be able to get a message to me to break the time enchantments that I'll be using. Betsy has generously agreed to reach out to both of you as well as Kylo, Quentin and Margo in the event that something happens to me. We'll be having a mental link together so she'll be able to tell immediately.

I'd have pushed the retreat back further because of your recent arrival, Fen, but it's time sensitive and I'm running out of it.

Do either of you have any questions?
Your schedule hasn't changed for tomorrow at all, has it?
If for any reason something goes wrong while I'm away, one of you will come to Dino Island and break the time enchantments to get Pixie and I, yes?

May. 6th, 2018


Thank you all for coming on Friday. It meant a lot to me, and I'm sure Fen as well, that you were willing to come welcome her to our community. I hope everyone enjoyed themselves.

You know, Murphy was included in the invitation.

I was wanting to speak to you both about Megan. Would it be alright if I took her on a field trip for a week near the end of the semester? It would be taking place on the Island that Rogue has created and, if you give permission, will be serving not only as a field trip but a final project for what we've been working on with her magic studies this year.

(Edited in Later)

How do you feel about a field trip for a final instead of an actual final?

May. 4th, 2018


Tauros has enjoyed being out of his pokeball, but he is not allowed out inside the house. Apparently. He crushed a lamp and knocked some things off the wall.

Apr. 29th, 2018


On Friday, I'm going to be hosting a small barbecue here at the Cottage. Some of you may know by now but yesterday evening my wife, Fen, arrived here in Tumbleweed and I would like to have the opportunity to introduce her to each and every one of you. If you cannot make it, as I know this is short notice, I understand and hope that we can arrange for her to be introduced to you at some future point in time.

* As long as you don't regularly piss him off, there's a good possibility you are in on this filter. It's a wide net.


[Filtered separately to Ronan Lynch and Anakin Solo]
Fen is here and she would like to meet you. I guess she is not mad about how I pretended to be her daughter.

I am not sure how this is supposed to go. I have never introduced people. I think she won't mind a couple days to get used to things. But she said she wanted to, so I thought I'd tell you.

Apr. 28th, 2018


Hello, I am Fen, Acting High King of Fillory.

I understand my friends my subjects the High King is here in this city, and I wish to speak to my fellow Fillorians. Please.

[OOC: Thar be Magicians season 3 spoilers in the comments, folks.]

Apr. 26th, 2018


WHO: Eliot Waugh & Fray
WHEN: April 16th & April 22nd
WHERE: The Cottage
WHAT: Three small segments of Eliot and Fray learning how to function as Father and Daughter.
WARNINGS: Spoilers for season 3 of the Magicians, swearing, and discussion of Fray's bear boyfriend.

Eliot? Are you sure I have to go? )


There's lots of people on the internet who make doll clothes and jewelry and they're really really pretty and better than the ones the dolls come with. Like all these ones and this lady. Look how nice this dress is!

Anyway I'm really glad JJs and Fortescues are still here especially since there's less than two months of school left and maybe one of them will give me a job.

Apr. 21st, 2018


It has been a few days since school started and I don't feel that I've figured much out. The reading is not very difficult, but I am still trying to figure out science. Mathematics at least is mostly numbers and I haven't had as much trouble figuring that out. Though, I don't understand why there are letters involved sometimes as well.

[Private to Ronan Lynch]
Are you busy tonight? I was wondering if it would be okay if I came over. Eliot is throwing a party and I think there will be a lot of drunk adults and I don't really think I fit in with that. The only real reason to stay, would be to keep tabs on all the embarrassing things they did, but that doesn't sound interesting to me.


While Leo and I are enjoying our one on one lessons, I would love to have more students to teach.

So EPS students who think German is overrated (all the love to you, Rogue and Gaby!), come to my French class.

Apr. 19th, 2018


I found a job. I'll be working as a ranch hand. Little bit different from working on the Farm back home, but it'll be good to be around animals again. Though not having them talk back to me will be a bit strange.

Apr. 14th, 2018


(034) Kylo Ren

Cut for image; unfiltered )

Eliot and I are the proud parents of seven little orange babies, and one little tuxedo boy that Eliot is already playing favorites with (thus him not being pictured). Millicent is doing well, the babies seem to be fine too.

Apr. 13th, 2018


On this fine Friday the Thirteenth, some of you may find yourself wondering what to do with your free evening. Here at the Camp, we have a lot of space and a wide movie selection, so here's an open invitation to come and hang out for a low key welcome back get together. There'll be swimming, movie watching (theme to be decided by attendees), and a bonfire for singing and toasting marshmallows. We'll order some pizza, but if you want to bring some snacks, food, or drinks (non-alcoholic please) over, feel free.

I guess the party officially will start 6ish, but you can show up whenever you like.

Apr. 11th, 2018


A few announcements.
  • The Ellie Phimister School will be resuming classes full time on Monday, April 16, 8:30 A.M..
  • Students who have yet to register for courses should do so before Monday, current students may wish to revisit their schedules.
  • Anyone needing placement tests should contact us ASAP about setting those up.
  • The Ellie Phimister School is also currently seeking teachers for
    Art History, Music, Band, Journalism, Computer Science, French, Astronomy, Environmental Science, History, Courses not yet offered, and someone for our Early Childhood program (largely a daycare for young, superpowered children)

tl;dr on the Ellie Phimister School )

Apr. 9th, 2018


What the fuck. St. Agnes is here.

(ooc: added in after this)
Something's up with your vampire girlfriend.


[Private to the Wakandans and Company]
It has occurred to me that I was perhaps rude. I am not used to diplomatic situations and I believe that my feelings regarding others in our group have not made me the best at interacting with the people in my surroundings. I believe an apology is in order. I am sorry that I have allowed the behavior of others to influence my own behavior toward people who have nothing to do with what has occurred.

[...] I hope my behavior didn't sour the evening. I am not sure how to make up for it if it did, however. I have never had to make up for my behavior. Mostly because I have never been sorry about it. I don't even know I am not very good at conversations with other people. Growing up in the Fairy Realm did not offer itself to much empathy or sensitivity or diplomacy. I haven't really attempted to become better at it since my arrival. I guess It's something I need to work on. And I will. Well, at least Ronan will get the parts that are not meant for everyone

I know Queen Margo and my father are looking forward to an alliance. I don't want my behavior to negatively affect their efforts even if I don't actually. If you would still like to share information moving forward, I will do what I can [...] and I would like to learn more about your culture and whatever else you would like to share. Fillory has only been my home for a short while, so I may not have the information you would like, but I could give you information on the fairies. I know more about them than anyone in our party given I was raised by them. In the hopes that you will be better able to protect yourself against them should they come here the same way that we did. Don't tell Eliot I called him my father. In fact, don't tell him about this. I don't really want to make it seem like I'm looking for validation


JJ's still gives me free waffles.

Apr. 8th, 2018


post-dated to Monday, April 9th at 9am.

We're back in Tumbleweed, but as some of you may have figured out, the town is completely different than it was the last time we were here. There's an airport now, which my car navigation system pointed out, and it's on the opposite side of town from Fort Neill.

Of course, that's not the most startling or disturbing difference. Fort Neill is a graveyard, and I mean that in the kindest sense of the world. It was locked up when I got there. Got my way in to find a dusty military facility that has not been used in quite some time, and it looks like it didn't happen on purpose.

The military is dead, and I don't mean they cleared out. I mean there is an entire facility full of the skeletal remains of whoever was in there when something happened. That something appears to have been some sort of [...] feeding, possible animal attack. There are definite teeth marks on these bones, and the state of decomposure... it's not new. At least a decade, maybe more so it's not as horrendous as it could be to see.

I have not turned the power on; I don't want to disturb the bodies more than I already have, but I'd like for anyone interested in helping to come down to the facility to move these bodies — telekinesis, magic, or just standard issue gloves — so that we don't taint the bodies with our DNA. We'll have to keep the power off until that happens, and then there should be video monitoring we can check to see what happened, check databases and logs to see if there's any evidence of what might have happened here.

I'm leaving this open so we can discuss what to do. After scrounging around the base, I haven't seen any paperwork or IDs for those of you who arrived on the cruise so that's something we should work on immediately to get people in the system so they can work, get IDs, and whatever else they need. We'll need people who can make IDs and people who can get into the necessary systems for government agencies to make sure the back-end is taken care of in anyone wants to cross state or country lines.

And a warning to some of you who worked at the military before: yes, we knew some of these people if the names on the uniforms check out.

Apr. 7th, 2018


who: Fray & Eliot Waugh
when: Fray's Arrival
where: Medbay
What: Fray is here and Eliot comes to see her
warnings: Spoilers!
status: COMPLETE.

It’s a ridiculous rule. I don’t need a guardian in Fillory. )


FILLORY AFFILIATES (AKA The Magicians + significant others):
We've been invited to have dinner with the King of Wakanda and his entourage tonight. I hope none of you have plans.

And if you do, at least make an appearance.

Apr. 6th, 2018


The small, pink blob was very interesting. It can become very many things. We rode an animal that was like a bull, but three tails and three gray bumps on its head. I forget what it was called. I would like very much to find one for myself. I have things to trade now. There is a squishy tentacle monster, a small not-quite dragon with baby, the angry black ball with purple mist, a over-sized bee.

I would also like to know if anyone is good at clothing. I tried the pants, but they are very tight and I don't like them. I can wear this dress I found until I am able to get more pants.

I have also discovered that people build bears on the ship, but they are not real bears. Just pillow stuffing in a bear suit. I like this one very much

Apr. 4th, 2018


I managed to catch something already:

camera phone pic of Stufful sitting on the ground by Luna's feet

I would like to get a fish sort of animal, but I think this one has taken a liking to me.

[the 100]

Raven and I are staying in Akala for the most part. I've been invited to go somewhere else, but I haven't decided if I'm going yet.

Just in case you need us.


I have read what information has been provided for these creatures that are called a pokeman. I understand some fight and that others have various abilities. The point is to catch them all, but really only six. One of these may be kept.

This seems like stealing

Eliot is injured and so is the man who wears black and looks angry most of the time. Apparently his potential names are various, but mostly he goes by Kylo. I do not know the people here as I have just arrived, but I would like to meet the animals of this land and see if they are talking animals like we have in Fillory. I would like I miss

Apr. 3rd, 2018


this thisng i s unreasnobel. how is asnfyone suppsdeo to type no it?

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