Incomplete Data: A panfandom, multi-world RP.

Incomplete Data

October 2018



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Posts Tagged: 'marvel:+comics:+bruce+banner'

Aug. 8th, 2018



If there was a scenario that you could go back to and do over, what would it be?

Jul. 10th, 2018



So I guess the scientists didn't send me to space.

Guess that proves they might actually be smarter than Reed Richards.

Jun. 8th, 2018



I’m really not sure that farming is where my skills would be best put to use.

I recognize that growing your own organic vegetables is a thing that a certain subset of wealthyish white people like to do - often people who compost their own food waste, put jade eggs in weird places, and make terrariums out of repurposed light bulbs - but it’s really never spoken to me. I’m the wrong kind of white people.

Jun. 6th, 2018



[Avengers/Affiliates: All universes. (Technically, open to all Marvel but lbr, the mutants don't want to talk to Steve]
I know some of you have already tagged in on Maria's post, but lets make this official. Let's see who is still here, and let's see what blocks we're all in.

We need to watch out for each other.

May. 29th, 2018



[Filtered Away from the Scientists(?)]

I'm going to say something that -- probably -- most of you will have some kind of ethics problem with, and that's fine. But maybe -- just maybe -- if we talk about it we could potentially hit on why we're still here and what being stuck in directionless limbo like this means:

If you could conduct a social experiment on a group of unwilling participants, what would you want to test and why? There are no wrong answers, and if you want to clutch your pearls, you can. Just clutch them to yourself, because I don't care.



[Marvel (All verses)]
I understand, at least something better, that there are many universes that all exist at same time. But could some of you from other places explain to us why you are so knowing of this fact? I am not sure it is something which I understand.

Feb. 19th, 2018



TAMPA IS REAL!!! I knew it wasn't a lie! And there's a dino world! And the chips taste like pickles!!!

[Bruce 616]
Dad dad dad dad dad dad daddddyy

[Bucky 616]

[Kira & Laura BFF gang]
Do you wanna build a saaaand man??? 🎶

Feb. 11th, 2018






All Men Must Die )



Daenerys's Party


Valar Morghulis )



[Bucky Barnes (616)]
Go to the dinner without me? I need to check something at the lab. I'll be there, but I might be a bit late.

[Amadeus Cho]
I think I found something. You are not going to believe this.

Feb. 10th, 2018




Cheerleadering is fun but I wanna have a game!

[Bruce 616]
Are you and Bucky going to the dragon lady's party tomorrow?

Edit: [Steve Harrington & Billy]
I need a babysitter for tomorrow night because my dads are going to the boring dumb dinner and I wanna stay home instead.

Feb. 8th, 2018



Seems the USA is in the front of this space race. If only they knew what they were really racing toward I remember the moon landing. I remember it was Guess I didn't think much about space at the time, but I was 17 when they launched Sputnik 1 the first satellite into space. I'm wondering if there's really much by way of attempting to send anything to space here or just an excuse to accuse each other of communist sympathies. I wonder what's going on that we aren't seeing I wonder what you all know about what's going on behind the scenes

I'd ask if you were interested in the dinner party, but I assume you're not. Not that I blame you. Government inspired dinner parties are rarely interesting. Not to mention, I don't know half the people running this government enough to feel any kind of confidence in them.

In the meantime, if you need any private time in the house with Culber, just let me know so I can conveniently find a reason to be out of the house. Maybe I can tempt the girls with pizza.

How's this scenario treating you, kid? You being treated all right?

Feb. 7th, 2018



[Bucky Barnes (616)]
I'm going to be at the office late tonight, I'm looking into something with Howard Stark. Could you please take care of dinner

[(later) Sam Wilson (MCU)]
I got some news about those tests.



[Howard Stark]
Congradulations on not being a communist.

At least one Bucky Barnes is now less likely to murder you. Then again, maybe no

We need to talk.

Feb. 6th, 2018



Looks like the news is [...] well, nothing new for our worlds, but who knows about this one.

Looks like they're trying to create enhanced humans for space travel. The human body's not exactly tailored for it.

I'm wondering who they're testing this stuff on.

Feb. 5th, 2018



[Sharon Carter 616, Maria Hill, 616 Natasha, Bruce Banner 616, Sam Wilson]
Alright, I'm tired of pretending.

I was snooping around the lab and I found some files that looked a few years old. Some of them are in English but most are in Russian. So I need a translator.

But from what I could read, there was experimentation on blood cells. I'm not sure why yet. But I bet there are answers in the Russian parts.

Thanks for the tour, Bruce.

If I need to let anyone else in on this let me know.



Take your Child to Work Day IC/OOC

A time to spend some quality time with your kids, with a legitimate reason to let them skip school!

1. Here's a link to the Scenario page, if you need a reminder where your kids work, and a link to the Family doc for easy reference, if you're a new character and your career hasn't been chosen or they aren't listed yet, leave a comment under "questions" and I'll add them.

2. Communists who have been found out might still be listed, but they aren't going to work and can't take their kids. Found-out Communist children also can't attend work.

3. If kids want to shadow someone who isn't their parents, they can put in a request to go somewhere and someone who works at that job can take them on.

4. Post under the job headings, about who went where with what parent. Enjoy!

Feb. 4th, 2018



[Bucky 616]
Dear Bucky,
I'm sorry I'm a stupid bad communist. I'm not really a real communist. I picked the team because I thought it was a pretend game and because I wanted to meet the Cosmo. I didn't think your feelings or that it wasn't a game to you, I didn't think it would hurt you bad. I thought you could catch me like hide and seeks and it would be funny and then we could go play on the swings.

I know I did a mean thing to Mr. America. And then to Ms. Natasha and little Tony too. Now I did the mean thing to you and I'm the most sorriest. I'm really trying to be better and be good like you and Bruce teach me. I know there were bad Russia people that hurt you and now I'm like them too. But if I met the real bad Russias I would kick them in the knees. I don't want you scared and sad that I would really pick them over you.

I saved a cupcake for you. I love you very much.

[Bruce 616]
I did another bad thing and... I'm scared.

Feb. 3rd, 2018



[Tony Stark (616)]
You busy?

How are your cupcakes?



[Bruce Banner (616)]
I need you to talk to your our Kobik.

[Sharon Carter (616)]
Your dad seems pretty irresponsible. Will he buy you cigarettes and booze?