Incomplete Data: A panfandom, multi-world RP.

Incomplete Data

October 2018



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November 20th, 2017



[Bucky Barnes (616)]
New lives, new memories -- we were new people.

How much you want to bet all of this was Kobik inspired?
[Sharon Carter (616)]
I don't
That's always the way, isn't it
It only works when we're not our

You all right?



Is there a form I can sign? Because I think I'd like to stay Sherlock Holmes.



I heard a lot of rumors when I was a quaint little, nosy shop girl. I won't bore you with details, but there's space in the inn for you.



[Poe Dameron]
Next time I sell you my soul, you better give me a better ship. Something with a T-14 hyperdrive at least
Everyone accounted for? Because I think it’s time for a town meeting.



But can I keep my ship?



Well that was an odd experience.

Star Wars
Everything okay?



I feel like I need to echo everyone and say that was unusual.

People who were in the Monastery
How is everyone coping?

It seems that we keep being thrown together in scenarios. How are you coping with what happened in this one?



Being out an out of work butler is tough work. I'm going to need a juice box.



Which one of you assholes killed me?

Clint, you're a terrible husband.



Ah, powers are back. I can go back to rotting.


I'm sorry I tried to kill you.



Has anyone seen Helena?


Do you hate me?

And what's the status on that bride?



Here is what I think I've learned:
  • I think I like teaching. I might even be sort of good at it. I don't know very much about a lot of things, but neither do small children.
  • I enjoy small children. This is strange because I don't think my sisters liked me when I was small, and to be frank I don't blame them.
  • I don't think I like God very much and I am not sure what it's meant to be for but it makes people make decisions that don't make any sense, when they don't have the money to afford to be senseless.
That's enough for one go, right?



Fuck opera.