
Posts Tagged: 'fred+weasley'

Nov. 21st, 2012



Who: Weasley family + honorary family
What: Thanksgiving Holiday
When: Thanksgiving
Where: The Weasley home (Or, as Fred just decided to call it: THE MOTHERLAND.)
Rating: PG (?)
Status: Incomplete

Feel free to sub-thread off of this as much as needed! Yay Weasley-time! )

Nov. 18th, 2012




Who: Verity and Thor, with an appearance by Fred Weasley!
What: Awesome things. And things for sale.
Where: For the Lulz
When: Sunday, November 16
Rating: Medium for suggestive stuff
Status: Complete!

‘Thor’s hot, so I thought I’d have a quickie in the back room,’ didn’t seem to be an appropriate defense. )

Nov. 13th, 2012



Who: Fred and Hermione
What: Chat + Invitation to Thanksgiving
When: Afternoon, Tuesday
Where: For The Lulz (The Twins' Shop)
Rating: PG
Status: Incomplete

Oh wait, no. It was only Hermione. )