
October 29th, 2019




Who: Alex Manes [narrative]
What: A moment of reflection
When: Oct 29th
Where: Alex & Kyle’s place
Rating/Warning: PG-13. [warning: Alex’s head’s a messed up place right now, TW for anxiety]

The winds of fortune change on a dime )




Who: Mabel Pines [narrative]
What: Planning for Halloween
When: 29 Oct, morning
Where: Her apartment
Rating: PG

Nothing like being a last-minute Mabel! )




Who: Gaby Teller-Mason [narrative]
What: Dreams, dreams, dreams
When: 28 October, morning
Where: Her apartment/her garage
Rating: PG

Why must it be morning again? )




Who: Kara Danvers & Alex Manes
When: Backdated: End of August
Where: The Beach
What: Random Beach Meeting
Rating/Warnings: Family Friendly
Status: Complete

Kara hadn’t been to the beach in quite some time, so when she found herself with the day off from work, she had decided that it was time to remedy that )