
July 30th, 2019




Who: Leon Orcot and Laurel Lance
What: Leon finally goes to visit Laurel
When: Friday, July 26th
Where: Laurel's hospital room
Ratings/Warnings: Low/none, discussions around Laurel getting shot and shooting suspects
Status: Partner Thread | Complete

I need to know if I’m safe with you, Leon )




Who: Maria and Isobel
What: Girls night
When: Yesterday, July 29th
Where: Movie theatre than then Wild Pony
Ratings/Warnings: Low/none
Status: Partner Thread | Complete

I didn't realize how much I needed this )



Korra, are you alright?

Who: Korra, Asami
What: Korra dreams about Amon taking her bending, gains airbending
When: Last night
Where: Asami's mansion
Rating/Warnings: R, Warnings for Injury, Blood, and noncon dream events (not the R word though)
Status: Complete

Am *I* alright, you just crashed into your dresser! )




Who: Jaina and Chloe
What: Chloe dreams of getting roofied and things don't go well upon her waking up.
When: This morning
Where: Jaina's place
Warnings: High for talk of GBH-related drug, Chloe fighting her assailer, and waking up under the effects of a roofie

No good deed goes unpunished, as they say. )