
May 26th, 2019




Who: Elena Gilbert and Laurel Lance
Where: At the clinic
What: Laurel needs to be checked out
When: Now.
Rating: Medium
Open: Sure, poke me or Min.
Notes: Laurel work up with injuries from the end of S1 of Arrow.

The hardest wars to fight are the ones that we wage inside. )




Who: Clara and Veronica
What: Catching up
When: May 26th, Afternoon
Where: Cafe
Warnings: Low
Status: Partner Thread | Complete

So how have you been? What’s been going on? )




Who: Caroline Forbes & Julia Wicker
What: Waiting forever for a coffee
When: 25th May, morning
Where: Coffee shop
Rating/Warnings: Low
Status: Complete!

Look, I get that you’re busy with your mocha-soy-latte-half-caf-frappuccinos... )




Who: Katniss and Feyre
What: Feyre checks in on a friend
When: After Katniss first started Dreaming
Where: Katniss's place
Status: complete
Rating: PG-13

Feels like..there's a weight on my chest and I can’t move. )




Who: Davin Jaqobis & Yalena Yardeen
What: Chance encounter on a beach
When: 25th May
Where: The beach
Rating/Warnings: G / None
Status: Complete

Things were definitely looking up )