
February 24th, 2019




WHO: Damon and Alex
WHAT: Probably getting into trouble
WHERE: Damon's bar
WHEN: Backdated to Saturday night
RATING: TBD, but it's them, so...

.... )




Who: Gilbert Twins, Katherine and Elena.
Where: Gilbert home.
What: Twin time.
When: NOW
Rating: Meduim - Katherine is mouthy.
Open: Nope.

Oil and water don't mix )




Who: Barry and Iris
What: Reuniting
When: Early February
Where: LAX to the West home
Warings: Low
Status: Log | Complete

welcome home! )




Who: Jemma and Kala
What: Catching up and a job offer
When: 24 February - late morning
Where: Cafe
Warnings: Low
Status: Partner Thread | Complete

I may have a solution. But first, would you be more interested in R&D work or more on the medical side of things? )




Who: Caroline and Marguerite
What: Catching up on Marguerite's trip and things with Tyler
When: February 20th
Where: Restuarant
Warnings: Low
Status: Partner Thread | Complete

A misguided attempt at trying to make amends it would seem. )




Who: John Constantine and Cora Hale
Where: John’s house
When: 13th Feb
What: Plotty-goodness
Status: Complete
Warnings: Language

Another morning, another puzzle )