
September 25th, 2018




Who: Laurence & Mary, with a special appearance by Judy and Leon
What: Fleet Week
When: Backdated to the end of August
Where: Los Angeles
Rating: PG for drowning situation
Status: Complete!

Americans had a bad habit of making a big hullabaloo over whatever they could )




Who: Merlin and Tony
When: After the plot
Where: Stark Tower
What: Checking for damage
Rating/Warnings: Low/None
Status: Complete when posted

Looks like we did it boss )




Who: Liv & Judy
What: Judy finds out about Liv’s special abilities
When: Monday afternoon
Where: Around town
Rating: PG for zombieness and a car accident
Status: Complete!

It always felt strange the days and weeks after an episode in the OC. Everyone picked themselves up, dusted off their clothes and went about their usual business as if nothing strange had happened )