
August 5th, 2018



Who: Ahsoka and Li
What: The consequences of Li's dreams finally catch up with her.
When: Today
Where: Somewhere in the OC
Warnings: Character death via suicide, also standard warnings for fighting demons and undead and such apply

Don’t let them take your mind from you. That is no way to spend your life. You still have strength left. Use it to fight them one last time. )




Who: Leon and Judy
What: Judy takes his statement after he was shot
When: June 16th
Where: The hospital
Rating/Warning: Pretty low I'd say
Status: Complete

What happened in the dreams? )




Who: Liv & Judy
What: Girls Night Out!
When: Some Friday night in May
Where: Random Bar
Rating: Low
Status: Complete!

And what about you? What do you dream about? )




Who: Tyler and Caroline
What: Caroline is over the sire bond
When: August 2nd
Where: Caroline's place
Ratings/Warnings: Low
Status: Complete

So that’s it? You’re sired to Klaus and that’s that. I just have to settle for having a boyfriend that’s barely a boyfriend? )




Who: Ren and Ruby
What: Catching up
When: Recently (before the plot)
Where: Bookstore
Warnings: Low
Status: Partner Thread | Complete

You must have extra time for them now that you don’t have to study. )




Who: Ahoska
What: Building a pyre
When: Late sunday into Monday morning
Where: Somewhere with an ocean view
Rating/Warnings: Mentions of death and grief

They were luminous beings, the Jedi had taught. Housed in temporary shells. )




Who: Tyler and Elena
What: Drinks and talking about the dreams
Where: A bar
When: Recently/pre-plot
Rating/Warning: Low/none mostly
Status: Complete

Whatever happens in these new dreams you’re having, don’t ever hesitate to reach out, okay? )




Who: Anakin Skywalker and Will Gorski
What: Will goes to help Anakin with his window problem, Anakin answers some of Will's questions
When: July 12, when it was all snowy
Where: From Anakin's place to the hardware store
Status: Complete

This is kidnapping though. And I’m pretty sure that’s illegal. )




Who: Anakin Skywalker and Tony Stark
What: Acquiring a jet, programing a rocket, luring some monsters, it’s a busy day
When: during the plot
Where: All over Orange County, starts on top of Anakin’s apartment building
Rating/Warnings: High for blowing up monsters and swearing

Rocket men )