
March 27th, 2018




Who: Ozma and R
What: Running into one another
When: A month or so ago
Where: The Court of Miracles
Rating/Warnings: Language, drinking, discussion of slightly bruised hearts.
Status: Complete when posted

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Who: Vanessa and Penny
What: Talking about a rather extravagant Christmas present she got
When: Decemberish
Where: Their apartment
Rating/Warnings: Drinking, Taylor Swift lyrics, talking about the future
Status: Complete when posted

... )




Who: Lara and Bo
What: Bo finishes her dreams, but wakes up in Dark Evil Queen mode. Lara manages to stop her with brute force.
When: Today
Where: In and near their home, then a hospital
Warnings: High for fighting, Bo nearly pulling a Boromir with being hit by arrows, and near-death experience from a stab to the heart that succubus chi-sucking manages to save.

You are only delaying the inevitable. My father’s army shall rise, and the world shall be made in his image. And I shall rule as queen. )




Who: Klaus and Evie
What: Klaus has a little chat with Evie about dating his sister.
When: February 24th
Where: Pimpernel Outreach
Warnings: Just a threat of ripping Evie's heart out if she hurts Freya

And what exactly are your intentions with my sister? )