
March 12th, 2018




Who: Alice Liddell and Logan Howlett
What: Talking through what she’s been thinking
When: Late January (during the plot)
Where: The hospital
Rating/Warnings: Low
Status: Complete when posted

You doin’ okay? )




Who: Lara and Bo
What: Bo has a horrible Dream
When: Recent
Where: Croft Manor
Status: Complete
Rating: R for violent situations

Alarm clocks can be replaced. What’s wrong? )



“Let me guess

Who: Ahsoka and Li
What: Making up for Valentine's day
When: Late Feb
Where: their apartment
status: complete
Rating: High

Forgot to eat again )




Who: Ren and Jaune
What: Jaune gets some advice from Ren
When: Early February
Where: The University Library
Rating/Warning: Low/none
Status: Complete

You can't compare yourself to others. You are the best Jaune there is. )