
January 27th, 2018




Who: Harry and elaine
When: Backdated to end of December
Where: Her place
Warnings: Nakedness etc etc
Status: Completed Doc

Elaine hated this weather )




Who: Chase Stein and Thor
What: Catching up
When: Recently
Where: Thor's house
Rating/Warnings: None
Status: Complete when posted

Okay old man )




Who: Ozma and Harry Dresden
What: Random run in
When: Recently
Where: Some cafe
Rating/Warnings: None
Status: Complete when posted

... )




Who: Catherine Pinkerton and Thor Odinson
What: Lunch and talking
When: Recently
Where: A restaurant
Rating/Warnings: Medium/High
Status: Complete when posted

... )




Who: Alice and Alphonse
What: Talking, Asking favors and sharing news
When: Early part of January
Where: Alice's dad's house
Rating/Warnings: Mediumish
Status: Complete when posted

... )