
December 6th, 2017




Who: Jeremy Gilbert and Tyler Lockwood
When: Backdated: Mid October
Where: A Marsh
What: Looking for vervain
Rating/Warnings: Family Friendly.
Status: Complete

Jeremy’s feet were wet and squishy in his boots as he and Tyler trudged through a marsh, looking for more vervain )




Who: Nora and Katou
What: Fighting Grimm
When: Around Halloween
Where: Out and about
Rating/Warning: Low/None
Status: Complete

You look like you got this )




Who: Leon and Alex
What: Skiing/snowboarding and mistletoes
When: Yesterday? Today?
Where: That ski hill that totally exists in Orange County shutupyouguys
Rating/Warnings: Probably low aside from language
Status: Complete

Leon had never gone snowboarding before )