
February 12th, 2017




Who: Virgil and Hazel
When: Late January
Where: Starts that the Ranch
What: Talking about what happened around Christmas
Rating/Warning: Low/none

You okay? You seem...a little distracted. )




Who: Clara and Jim
What: Camping, S’mores
When: This weekend (11/12 February)
Where: Mountains
Status: Log | Complete

Maybe we could plot the downfall of an authoritarian regime over s’mores. )




Who: Audrey Baxter and Frank Hardy
When: Februaryish... in the rain
Where: Baxter Bakery
What: Random Encounter
Rating/Warnings: Low/None
Status: Complete

Read more... )




Who: Felix Dawkins & Sarah Manning
What: Discussing Felix's plan to ask Josh to move in
When: Backdated: Thursday, February 9th. Early Evening
Where: Their Apartment
Rating/Warnings: Family Friendly
Status: Complete

Look at us both being so domestic almost, how times change, Fe )