
December 30th, 2015




Who: Sidney Prescott, OTA
What: Sid's gone out to get groceries, Gremlins are still running amok and they're tearing things up.
When: Thursday, December 30th evening
Where: Von's Grocery
Rating/Warnings: Teenish/There's Gremlin mischief, and there'll be language on Sid's part.
Status: Open/Incomplete

She was going to have to go out and brave whatever Orange County was offering these days. )




Who: Birkhoff & Kenzi
What: Margaritas, nerds being nerds, dream stuff
When: Before Christmas
Where: Seymour's swanky pad
Rating/Warnings: Relatively low
Status: Complete!

I’m as awesome as I know I am, so it might just be the stale pizza diet. )




Who: Henry and Revy
what: Henry is trapped in his apartment and Revy blasts him out
Where: Henry's apartment
When: Recently
Rating/Warnings: Low - Violence against doors
Status: Complete!

She came through like some kind of bright shining hero )




Who: Raistlin and Tas
What: Bouncy Castles R Us!
Where: Tas and Raistlin's apartment
When: Sometime before Christmas
Rating/Warnings: Low/None
Status: Complete!

Teeny tiny wish? You turned our apartment into goddamn bouncy castle! )




Who: Itachi Uchiha [info]itachi & Elena Gilbert [info]heartresistant
What: Random Run-In
When: Late November, Pre-finals!
Where: UC Irvine Campus
Rating/Warnings: Low/None
Status: Closed/Completed Gdoc

... )




Who: James Potter and Sirius Black
What: Hanging out and making dinner
Where: Their apartment
When: Backdated: First week of November
Rating: Family Friendly
Status: Complete

I’ll be sure to make you a chore chart and get you gold star stickers so you can check off things when they’re done )