
August 4th, 2015



"If you stopped acting like a tank you won't get punched so much."

Who: Shepard and Kitty
What: Letting off steam
Where: Underground fighting ring
When: Early this morning
Status: complete
Rating: PG-13 for violence.

That's the best part. )




Who: Rick Grimes [info]rick & Leon Orcot [info]under_arrest
What: Playing in the park with the kids
When: Recently
Where: Tewinkle Park
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Talk of people dying during childbirth, which is something Leon and Rick apparently have in common.
Status: Closed/Completed Partner Thread

Sorry about that. I was throwing to my boy and it seems he's gotten distracted. )




Who: Leon and Sharon (And Chris and Viv)
What: Leon comes to visit Sharon with some non-hospital snacks.
When: Recently (Tuesday afternoon after Viv was born)
Where: The Hospital
Warnings/Ratings: Low/None (some mentions of newborn stuff)

...... )




Who: Anakin and Ahsoka
Where: Sushi Bar
When: Tuesday, lunch.
What: Anakin and Ahsoka need to talk.
Warnings/Rating: Possible discussion of hard topics like death, but otherwise low. PG-13ish.
Status: Ongoing | Closed

The images still haunted him. )




Who: Wash, Kyu, Gale, & Leliana
What: What would be considered a normal double date to their standards and being generally adorable
When: Let's say tonight?
Where: Burger joint with sticker decorations
Rating/Warnings: Low, mentions of sex but nothing ~scandalous~
Status: Complete!

But you should start a matchmaking service or something. And call it Kyu’s Arrows. )




Who: Kate Bishop and Tifa
When: During the Hellmouth Plot
Where: Downtown Anaheim
What: Random Encounter killing monsters
Rating/Warnings: High?/Violence
Status: Complete when posted

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