
November 1st, 2014




who: Aurora and Maleficent
What: Confrontations and major spoilers for Maleficent
When: A few days ago
where: Maleficent's
Status: Complete

You were the one person...in my entire world that I could depend on.. )



Oh my god are you the Wolverine? If you show me your claws I'll show you some awesome stuff!

Who: Asami, Astrid, Korra and Logan
What: a car show, making friends, teasing old men
When: Recently
Where: A car show
Status: complete
Rating: PG-13

Darlin’, that ain’t the first time someone ever propositioned me that way. )




Who: Aramis and OPEN.
What: A musketeer wandering without supervision.
When: November 1.
Where: Out and about, not too far from his home.
Rating: Low / TBD.
Status: Open!

Aramis has become a musketeer. Feel free to run into him as he wanders around. Multiples are certainly encouraged. )



You don't want to die, but you spend every hour trying to find a way to, anyway.

Who: Logan, Laura and Neena
What: Nightmares and revelations
Where: Logan's place
Status: Complete
Rating: PG-13 for blood and language

The perfect weapon has no emotions, but yours are overpowering and they drive you. You are loyal to a fault but you push us all away at your convenience. How can I trust you now!? )




Who: Lexi Branson and OPEN TO ANYONE
What: A few unfortunate people have run into Medusa!Lexi
When: Backdated: Friday, October 31st - End of Plot
Where: Around Orange County
Rating/Warnings: TBD. Feel free to have your character try to fight back. Just no beheading ;)
Status: In Progress

She was Medusa and she was roaming the unfamiliar streets of Orange County, looking for her next victim )