
June 24th, 2014




Who: Renly and Loras
When: This afternoon
Where: Their back lawn
What: Learning some new moves
Rating/Warning: TBD
Status: In progress

.... )




Who: Padme Amidala and Obi-Wan Kenobi
What: Showing Obi what a baby registry is
Where: Babys R Us/Target/Etc
When: Tuesday afternoon (June 24th)
Rating: G/PG
Status: In Progess

You can never scan too many things )



He held his hand out to you and you killed him! If anyone has ever been a father to you it was Chuck

Who: Scott and Logan
What: A “disagreement”. For once it’s not about Jean!
When: 6/24/2014 late evening
Where: Out at the Jean Grey Outreach Center
Status: complete
Rating/Warnings: Pg-13 for violence, blood and language

My daughter is in that medical building, her heart barely stitched together, because of you. Because you didn’t trust her to have control. )



Even if you do eat like a baby hippo

Who: Booker, Lina, Elizabeth, Clarice and Moira
What: Lina sneaks Booker some booze
When: the other day
Where: Jean Grey Outreach Center
Rating: PG-13 for language and some medical stuff
Warnings: Discussing suicidalness

Hey, it’s one thing if I call myself a baby hippo, it’s totally something else when someone actually agrees! )




Who: Jem Carstairs and Will Herondale
What: It's Move In Day
When: Backdated: Saturday, June 14th. Afternoon
Where: Jem & Will's New Condo
Rating/Warnings: Family Friendly
Status: Complete!

The day was finally here )