
May 21st, 2014




Who: Irisa and Alucard
When: Mid May
Where: Private Gym
What: Practice
Rating/Warning: Low/Mild Violence
Status: Complete

Alucard smiled as Irisa came at him once more, determination in her gaze )




Who: Severus and Romana
When: Week after Easter
Where: Their home
What: Eating Easter Candy
Rating/Warning: Low/None
Status: Complete when posted

Sneaking chocolate from their daughter. )




Who: Portia and Anna
When: Late April
Where: Baxter Bakery
What: Random Encounter
Rating/Warning: Low/None
Status: Complete

Portia smiled at the girl behind the counter )




Who: Merlin and Audrey
When: Late April
Where: Their place
What: Date Night, Talking, Baby-Making
Rating/Warning: High-ish
Status: Complete

He tried very hard not to work late very often but sometimes Merlin was actually needed )




Who: Celes Chere and Marguerite St.Just
What: First meetings
When: 21 May 2014 during the day
Where: Shelter Mary Margaret runs
Rating/Warnings: Low/None
Status: Log | Complete

But I know so many less lucky than I )




Who: Renly Baratheon & Kyra
What: Seeking Out Potential Stunt Performers
When: Backdated: Tuesday, May 20th. Afternoon
Where: Movie Set
Rating/Warnings: Family Friendly
Status: Complete

Renly had been meeting with different management from other stunt agencies, attempting to sway anyone he could over to Storm’s End Stunts )





Who: Nick Fury, Pete Wisdom
What: Meeting for drinks and shop talk regarding weird O.C. things and imposters.
When: right after this exchange on the valar net.
Where: The Mad Dog, pub, Orange County CA
Rating: Low, language warning only.
Status: Complete!

You go sayin' the name Godzilla and we're gonna have eighteen of the damn things stomping Orange County into rubble. )