
April 7th, 2014




Who: Tauriel, Kili, Dis (npc’d mom!)
What: Dinner time! And talking about Tauriel’s future job as the Warhammer Ale girl in TV commercials.
When: April, after this text from Tauriel.
Rating: Low
Status: Complete!

Let's eat until we can't move and then complain about it while we sit in over-sized chairs! )




Who:Aramis and D'Artagnan
What:A second attempt at watching Princess Bride-Dart still falls asleep.
When:Sunday night.
Where:D'Art's place.

Good would prevail. Starships set sail, And none of us would fail in this life )




Who: Justin Taylor, Billy Kaplan and Zelda Hyrule
What: Zelda walks into an awkward situation
When: Backdated: Saturday, March 29th. Early Evening
Where: Billy's Apartment
Rating: Slight R in the beginning
Status: Complete

The door was kicked shut behind him as Justin followed Billy into the apartment )




Who: Eric and Ariel
What: A Random Meeting and Flirting
When: Backdated: Saturday, March 29th. Afternoon
Where: The Beach
Rating: Family Friendly
Status: Complete

Yeah. I’m good. Just, you know, soggy )




Who: Aramis and Porthos.
What: Dealing with dream stuff.
When: April 7 (after these texts).
Where: Chateau d'Herblay.
Rating/Warnings: Low / Probably just angst and fluff.
Status: In progress.

He's flattered, really. )




Who: Gaz and Kitty.
What: Whuppin' things.
When: 4/2, after these texts.
Where: The streets, man.
Rating/Warnings: R for swearing, violence against NPC jerks. Potential triggers: drug use, prostitution.
Status: Complete!

I’ve had enough violence for the day. )