
January 22nd, 2014




Who: Clary and Jace
What: Truthiness Plot
When: 11/12
Where: Off to the Movies
Rating: PG SFW
Status: Complete (and late thanks to holidays and Nano)

A Night at the Movies )



I love him. I’d follow him anywhere.

Who: Sam Gamgee and Zelda
When: Early January
Where: Zelda’s garden
What: Gardening advice
Rating/Warning: Low/None
Status: Complete

It was completely obvious that Zelda was head over heels with love with Link and it was nice to see that. )



I can free up a day to come along I’m sure

Who: Pepper Potts and Tony Stark
When: First week of January 2014
Where: Her office
What: Talking? Maybe a moment?
Rating/Warning: Low/None
Status: Complete

It wouldn’t be the same without you, Pep. )




Who: Regina & Rose
What: Shopping and lunch!
When: Backdated to Thursday
Where: A department store & bistro
Rating/Warning: None
Status: Complete

The last thing she needed was for an Evil Queen to get a reputation for doing sweet things. )



She’d be an absolute idiot NOT to dig you.

Who: Chuck and Gwen
When: After some texts
Where: Meeting for Fro Yo
What: Advice?
Rating/Warning: Low/None
Status: Complete

When it’s not your mother saying it, it actually counts. )




Who: Seth and Ariel.
What: First date!
When: 1/17.
Where: Restaurant.
Rating/Warnings: Nope, maybe some swearing? PG-13.
Status: Complete!

A good step. )




Who:Tauriel and Legolas.
What: Catching up over coffee.
When: December 30.
Where: Baxter Bakery.
Rating: Low.
Status: Complete.

I think I’ve always given you a run for it. )




Who: Carol and Jess
What: Jess discovers Carol's lost her memory
When: 1/19
Where: out in the desert
Status: Complete
Rating: PG-13
Wait, I'm an alien? And you're a spider? )




Who: Merlin and Audrey, appearance by Nina
When: Early January
Where: Their place
What: Making plans and catching up
Rating/Warning: High/marital sexxins.
Status: Complete

All of these houses are starting to blend together. )