
December 14th, 2013




Who: Kitty and Alyssa.
What: Friends hanging out.
When: Friday, 12/13.
Where: Alyssa's house.
Rating: PG-13.
Status: Complete!

I needed this. )


Who: Percy + Wilson
What: Being adorable, duh.
When: 12/13.
Where: The Wilson-Weasley household.
Rating: PG-13 for innuendoes.
Status: Complete!

Nope, not boring at all. )




Who: Scud + Lo
What: Lunch visits.
When: 12/5.
Where: Lo's office!
Rating: R for Lo's mouth.
Status: Complete!

What brought that on? )


Who: Castiel and Sam Winchester, Deryn
When: Saturday (late november)
Where: Sam and Deryn’s new house! And Deryn’s old apartment
What: Moving
Rating/Warning: None.
Status: Complete

Deryn had taken to clapping delightedly every time he reappeared out of thin air. )


Who: John and Chloe
What: Another job
When: Early December
Where: John's office
Rating: Low/None
Status: In progress

John had to say he was impressed... )


Who: Chloe and Barbara
What: A first meeting of minds
When: Mid December
Where: Barbara's Office
Rating: Low/None
Status: In progress

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